Definition It is an explosive or other material normally encased and designed to destroy or damage vehicles, air craftsIt is an explosive or other material normally encased and designed to destroy or damage vehicles, air crafts Designed to wound or kill peopleDesigned to wound or kill people It can be detonated by the action of it target, the passage of time or by controlled meansIt can be detonated by the action of it target, the passage of time or by controlled means
Antipersonnel mines (AP mines) Weight: gramsAntipersonnel mines (AP mines) Weight: grams Anti Tank mines (AT mines)Anti Tank mines (AT mines) Weight: kg The Family of Mines
Categorization of Land Mines Anti-Personnel MinesAnti-Personnel Mines –Blast –Fragmentation –Bounding Fragmentation Directional and Anti Group MinesDirectional and Anti Group Mines –Fragmentation Anti Tank MinesAnti Tank Mines –Blast
Anti Personnel Blast Mines Pressure activated, between 1 – 5kgs Pressure activated, between 1 – 5kgs Contain 75 – 200 grams of explosives Contain 75 – 200 grams of explosives Causes traumatic amputation of limbs Causes traumatic amputation of limbs Plastic or metal, difficult to see due to small size Plastic or metal, difficult to see due to small size
Anti Personnel Blast Mines
2 grams of HE EFFECT
200 grams of HE EFFECT
AP – Directional Fragmentation Mine
Directional and Anti Group Mines Generally fragmentationGenerally fragmentation Surface or sub-surfaceSurface or sub-surface Trip-wire or command operatedTrip-wire or command operated Lethal radius of 50+mLethal radius of 50+m Commonly used in conjunction with buried AP minesCommonly used in conjunction with buried AP mines
Anti Tank Blast Mines
Anti Tank Mines TM - 62 Pressure activated fuse of kg Pressure activated fuse of kg Contain between 5- 10kg of explosives Contain between 5- 10kg of explosives Normally buried, often with anti-lift devices and in conjunction with AP mines Normally buried, often with anti-lift devices and in conjunction with AP mines Metal or plastic Metal or plastic
Anti Tank mine on minibus and light military vehicles. EFFECT
Mine Area Recognition Note: Mined Areas are often not marked Marking is the exception, not the rule !!! Because of this, it is important to recognise areas that might be at risk from mines / UXO areas that might be at risk from mines / UXO
Evacuated buildings/housesEvacuated buildings/houses Where fighting has occurredWhere fighting has occurred Strategic & Military AreasStrategic & Military Areas Unattended fields/heavy vegetationUnattended fields/heavy vegetation Near military camps or positionsNear military camps or positions Along or beside foot pathsAlong or beside foot paths Along roadwaysAlong roadways Culverts and bridgesCulverts and bridges Doorways of housesDoorways of houses Wells and water access pointsWells and water access points Ditches or hiding placesDitches or hiding places Stream crossing pointsStream crossing points Where Mines Are Found
Minefield Indicators Area clearly marked as a mine fieldArea clearly marked as a mine field Parts of mines (unknown plastic and metal)Parts of mines (unknown plastic and metal) Barb wire (wires)Barb wire (wires) Empty packages of minesEmpty packages of mines Signs of confrontation linesSigns of confrontation lines Check points and roadblocksCheck points and roadblocks Destroyed/abandoned military equipmentDestroyed/abandoned military equipment Craters of minesCraters of mines Injuries to local populationInjuries to local population Dead animalsDead animals Suspicious itemsSuspicious items
Danger Signs and Indications: Red and white painted stones International signs: WSign posts: These are normally bright red, square or triangular in shape 25cm x 25cm in size and have a skull and cross bones with the words “DANGER MINES” written in local languages These are normally bright red, square or triangular in shape 25cm x 25cm in size and have a skull and cross bones with the words “DANGER MINES” written in local languages WPainted rocks WLocal markings WPiles of rocks WCrossed sticks WKnotted grass WFlags WPlastic bags hanging from trees Markings
Official Signs
Unconventional Signs
Actions on Finding Yourself In a Mined Area 10 minutes Exercise
STOP! MINEDMINED Movement: Inform: Note: Evaluate: Do not: Stop. Remain Calm. Stay still and do not move your feet. Inform and warn people around you. Call for help, but keep others away. Note the area. What else can you see: mines, tripwires, mine signs? Evaluate your course of action. Be prepared to take control of the situation. Do not move, if there is no safe area or if you can’t reach it, Wait for help to arrive.
Who: UNDSS (Via Radio) Local Authorities UNMACAAgency Local Demining Agency Reporting Incidents