Outline of our rental process and procedures
Paying Rent Rent is due on the 1 st and late if postmarked after the 5 th. After the 5 th we do not accept checks, we only accept guaranteed funds + the late fee (see your lease for amount). If total rent due + late fees are not received by the 15 th, an eviction will be filed. A $35.00 return check fee will be charged for all returned checks. Any tenant that has a return check will have to pay all future rents with guaranteed funds. We provide self addressed pre stamped envelopes for your convenience.
Eviction Process Evictions are filed after the 15 th for non payment of rent. After an eviction is filed you can avoid eviction by paying the following items in guaranteed funds (cash) before the court date, Rent due for the current month Late Fee for the current month. (check your lease for amount). Court Cost. ($115.00) $ administration fee.
Pets Pet fee = pre determined non-refundable pet deposit per approved pet After move in date you may only have a pet after the deposit is paid. In any event you are caught with a pet without first paying a pet deposit the deposit shall be $ per pet. A pet fee will be demanded if any animal spends one or more nights inside the residence. Example (pet sitting for someone). Pets must be kept on a leash at all times outside of the residence. Pets must be kept inside during the night. No outside pets are allowed.
Water & Sewer If water and sewer is included in your rent, you are allowed a maximum of 3,000 gallons per month. Any excess of 3,000 gallons you will be billed the difference per the utility company rates and have 30 days to pay. Any plumbing repairs made due to negligence will be billed to the tenant. Damage and repairs to hose bibs outside due to leaving water hoses hooked up in the winter shall be billed to the tenant.
Outside Area No surveillance equipment, video or audio are allowed outside the residence. No temporary signs such as election, advertising, etc. shall be placed outside the residence. Yard sale signs ok. PODS, Pack Rat temporary storage containers must be removed within 14 days after starting rent date. Satellite dishes shall not be attached to the home or apartment building. They must be mounted in the ground and in the backyard.
Outside Area For house rentals the yard must be kept cut at a reasonable height and trimmed or we will mow it for you at a rate of $100 per hour. Management reserves the right for any reason to disallow any guests on the premises. Gas grills are allowed however they need to be kept at least 5 feet from the structure while in operation. If lawn care is included in your rent you are not allowed to place temporary objects such as bird feeders, yard decorations that will interfere with mowing.
Automobiles Any vehicle is subject to towing without notice if at anytime, Has a flat tire or Inoperable Is on jacks, blocks, or has wheels missing Takes up more than one space Blocks another vehicle from exiting Is on the grass Has no current license, registration or inspection sticker
Locks Locks shall not be tampered with, replaced or substituted for any other mechanism. Locksmiths are not allowed to “pick” the lock. If they do, they will damage these locks. If you are locked out you must get another key from management at our convenience. If locks have to be changed for any reason, their will be a $55.00 fee per locking mechanism.
Repairs & Maintenance Any repairs needed should be reported immediately to management for prompt attention. All of our mobile contractors have master keys and shall enter the premises only after knocking on the door and allowing ample time for entry. Note that they do not make appointments. Repairs made by residents may not be substituted for rent unless you have prior written consent. If a mobile contractor cannot access or denied entry to the property for repairs due to animals, blocked entrances, etc. you will be billed for the service call.
Inside Area Window unit air conditioners (if installed) may never be removed for any reason. Only non-flame type appliances may be used to supplement heating such as electric radiators. No kerosene or other burning type appliances shall be used. No water filtration systems shall be installed on the water faucets without prior approval. If residence is exterminated for pests due to food and or waste accumulating inside or around the home you will be billed for the service. Window blinds may not be removed or modified for any reason. Smoke Detectors are not to be tampered with or removed for any reason.
Inside Area No braces, brackets or mounting hardware shall be installed on the interior walls for hanging audio, video equipment or for any other purpose. Hangers for pictures are ok. Interior walls shall not be repainted without the express written consent of management. Residents shall not store any gas powered devices inside the premises except for the garage areas. Resident agrees to be responsible for any damages due to leaking washing machine hoses. “Quiet Time” is considered anytime after 11:00pm every night. Any disturbances, loud music, loud TV’s, etc. will not be tolerated.
Inside Area Stoves shall not be used as a substitute for a heating device.
Management All communication with management should be made per phone call to Please note that we do not respond to texting or s. Management reserves the reasonable right to enter the premises with 24 hours notice for random inspections. No notice shall be given if we suspect that there is an immediate need to “tend” to emergency matters such as fire or flood or if we have reasonable suspicion to believe the tenant is violating the lease.