Sustainable Cotton : Integrated Pest and Soil Fertility Management H. Breman, C. Gaborel, M. Vaissayre & R. Vogelsperger Proposal IFDC, CIRAD and West African Partners
Sustainable Cotton : Integrated Pest and Soil Fertility Management Cotton production costs Cotton production costs Integrated soil fertility management Integrated soil fertility management Integrated pest management Integrated pest management More efficient input use = 50% increase of farmers´ revenues More efficient input use = 50% increase of farmers´ revenues
Production costs; external inputs Euro/ha % total costs % total value fertilizers phytos. prod seeds Total ** ** Gross value: 328 Euro/ha; value corrected for inputs 193 Euro/ha
Integrated Soil Fertility Management effect of integrated use of fertilizer and soil amendments improves in time Environmental and Economic Benefits >10 years fallow depleted soil SFI package nutrient recovery (%) yield increase (kg/ha) RVC** ** RVC = value maize / costs fertiliser
Integrated soil fertility management Present yield, potential yield and biological production: 1150, 2500 & 450 kg/ha Present yield, potential yield and biological production: 1150, 2500 & 450 kg/ha Improved fertilizer use efficiency: Improved fertilizer use efficiency: > 200 kg/ha extra or > 76 Euro/ha extra
Integrated pest management Best practices Best practices resistant varieties resistant varieties trap-crops & naturel ennemies trap-crops & naturel ennemies selectivity selectivity thresholds thresholds defoliation defoliation soil fertily soil fertily
Integrated pest management Treatment only when required: Costs 17 – 29 Euro/ha less, revenue equally higher
A proposal: 50% increase of revenue; decreased environmental risks Participatory integration and up scaling of integrated soil fertility and pest management: stakeholder platforms extension and promotion material enabling socio-economic and policy environment = reinforcement of cotton companies and rural develop projects ** training of trainers, in context pilot platforms/projects ** MIR = West African inputs market; cotton inputs emergency plan
Governments and donor investments in: Enabling socio-economic and policy environments soil improvement; a “Marshall Plan” research
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