Veronika Nováková Šárka Medová Vojtěch Novák ml / 2009
The influence of human on the development of soil
- Pedosphere - Experiment - General influence of human CONTENT OF PRESENTATION
THE QUALITY OF THE SOIL Determine it by : Grain (particle size in the soil) – soil of sorts The quantity of humus – soil type The quantity of moisture – soil type Sites on earth – soil type Fertility – soil type Acidity and alkaline Togetherness of soil particle
SORTS OF SOIL Clayey Loamy Sandy Stony less than 0,002 mm 0,002 – 0,06 mm 0,06 – 0,2 mm more than 2 mm
TYPES OF SOIL Blacksoil: is a soil with a high content of humus (humic horizon cm depth), the best in the world, provides a record grain yields Brownsoil: is a fertile land, humus content is less than blacksoil, surrounded by blacksoil, used in agriculture Podsol: is a little acid fertile land cold and humid nordic coniferous forests
ACIDITY AND ALKALINITY Number, which in chemistry express, the aqueous solution responds acidly or vice versa alkalicly
COMPARISON From two different places, we removed samples of soil and measured the pH
ASSUMPTION OF EXPERIMENT Theory: Clay should be acid Peat should be alkalic
To crush the clay. To weigh it. Material preparation
To pour the water into a measuring cylinder. To pour the water into the Erlenmeyer flask. Material preparation
To mix the clay with water. Material preparation
Now we follow the process with peat as well as clay. Material preparation
To cut a filter paper. To prepare the filter paper. Material preparation
To built a filter apparatus. Material preparation
Aplication of samples to filtration apparatus. The clayThe peat Material preparation
Start of filtration process. The water Finished filtration process. Material preparation
Indicators – papers from pH measurement Measurement method nb. 1
The results of meaurement. Measurement method nb. 1
Phenolphthalein. Measurement method nb. 2
Phenolphthalein aplication.
Measurement method nb. 2 To mix samples with Phenolphthalein.
Phenolphthalein we´ve added to the samples. Measurement method nb. 2
CONCLUSION Theory Reality Theoreticly the clay should be acid and the peat should be alkalic. The measurement showed different result. Based on our experiment we can say that both material (clay & peat) are acid. Explanation: This is clear proof that pedosphere is already afected by human activities (fertilization, chemistry,…)
DEVASTATION destruction of soil The devastation keep inappropriate interference in the soil Most relief affects the landscape and destroys the land HUMAN
EFFECT OF HUMAN Extensive and deep tillage Excessive use of fertilizers (especially mineral fertilizers) Chemical means against weeds, diseases and pests of plants Soil compaction by heavy machinery Amending relief landscape : roads quarries surface mines other structures Indirectly acting on the ground : sional qualifications forests amending plant communities
IMPLICATIONS OF HUMAN Increased erosion Less of humus Changes: height of groundwater level physical and chemical characteristics of soil Exacerbate the conditions for life in the soil
REVITALIZATION strengthening, revitalizing the soil To lead the revitalization of appropriate interventions in the land Acting against erosion (such as building terraces on steep slopes) Lead to a permanent soil fertility by increasing humus in the soil (good compost fertilizer, barnyard manures and fertilizer, adequate liming, etc.)
RESOURCES Our photos Picture: pg&imgrefurl= G8b6Xm0n8=&h=480&w=161&sz=17&hl=cs&start=1&um=1&tbnid=ZsXH2QBBXOz8sM:&t bnh=129&tbnw=43&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dhn%25C4%259Bdozem%26um%3D1%26hl%3 Dcs%26lr%3D%26sa%3DN g&imgrefurl= 483&w=165&sz=14&hl=cs&start=1&um=1&tbnid=u1KYZKRO7kVoPM:&tbnh=129&tbnw=44 &prev=/images%3Fq%3D%25C4%258Dernozem%26um%3D1%26hl%3Dcs%26lr%3D JPG&imgrefurl= ience/Earth-Sciences/Geology/Soil/Layers/Layers-2.html&usg=__Vz7D3n- 3ipDMTK0nqdWXwGbaRQA=&h=752&w=512&sz=62&hl=cs&start=14&um=1&tbnid=TO0p 4BIXy1e9XM:&tbnh=141&tbnw=96&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dpodzol%26um%3D1%26hl%3 Dcs%26lr%3D