CEOS 4 th SDCG Meeting DLR contribution Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch DLR Space Administration, Earth Observations Chart 1> CEOS SDCG-4, Pasadena, 4-6 September 2013> Dr. Helmut Staudenrausch
TerraSAR-X Coverage of FCT Sites Africa Indonesia Tasmania South America Central America 45 sites observed Numerous data takes available in the DLR archive, and continued. StripMap Mode, dual polarized (HH/HV and VV/VH)
TerraSAR-X: New Modi (available for science from now, commercially from end 2013)
Staring Spotlight Mode Characteristics ParameterValue Scene extent for (20 - 45 ) [2.1 to 2.7 km] azimuth x [6 to 3.8 km] ground range - worst case x [7.5 to 4.6 km] ground range - typical case Full performance incidence angle range 20 - 45 Data access incidence angle range 15 - 60 Number of elevation beams58 (full performance) 122 (data access) Number of azimuth beamsDepending on target area Azimuth steering angle 2.2 Azimuth resolution0.24 m (single polarization) Ground range resolution 0.85 m – 1.77 m (45 ...20 at 300 MHz) PolarizationsHH or VV (single)
Examples Chart 5> Lecture > Author Document > Date Examples...
Six Beam Wide ScanSAR Mode Product Characteristics ParameterFour beam ScanSARSix beam ScanSAR Number of sub-swaths46 Swath width (ground range)100 km266 to 194 km (wide_001 to wide_005) Nominal L1b product length150 km200 km Full performance incidence angle range 20 - 45 15.6° - 49° Data access incidence angle range15° - 60°15.6° - 49° Number of elevation beams27 (9 x 4 stripmap beam combinations in full perf. Range) 10 specific wide beams (5 x 6-beam combinations) Azimuth resolution18.5 m40m Range bandwidth100 and 150 MHz81.25 to MHz Ground range resolution 1.70 m m 45 ..20 incidence angle) 6-10m (projected slant range) PolarizationsHH or VV (single)HH or VV (single) or experimental HV or VH TBC
Wide ScanSAR Visualization of different SwathWidths wide_001 wide_005
Wide ScanSAR
TanDEM-X: Mission status
Status TanDEM-X Slide 10 > February 2012 > DLR Space Adnistration, First and second full global coverages completed – 3 rd /4 th coverage expected to be completed by mid 2014
Absolute Height Error – First & Second Coverage First Coverage Second Coverage
Regions acquired from May 2013
Current opportunities and developments AO for Intermediate DEM in preparation. Will be published in coming weeks. Stay tuned on TD-X Science System. AO for CoSSC data open during TDX Lifetime 4 th TanDEM-X Science Team Meeting June registered participants + 35 oral presentation + 15 posters Great potential for forest characterization and stratification revealed Discussions on after DEM Phase planning for scientific TanDEM-X acquisitions: Acquisition Mode (DRA, long baseline across/along InSAR) Test site definition (e.g. super test sites) Time schedule
Slide 14 TanDEM-X Data Delivery Since February 2012 EOWEB is open for TanDEM-X data delivery 148 accounts are opened up to now 1801 CoSSC products delivered
Final DEM Preliminary Schedule Start of TanDEM-X DEM delivery Jan-2014 (non-difficult areas requiring only 2 acquisitions) ~50% of the global TanDEM-X DEMend 2014 ~90% of the global TanDEM-X DEMmid 2015 ~97% of the global TanDEM-X DEM early 2016
Summary – DLR Data access for GFOI R&D TerraSAR-X: DLR Science Service Seg.: TanDEM-X (DEM) data access: RapidEye data available through RapidEye company directly, but scientific exploitation also through DLR RapidEye Science Archive: Collaboration between international GFOI R&D groups and German researchers sought. Contacts can be made. DLR ready for more coordinated approach with respect to GFOI R&D through CEOS
TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X Summary Public Private Partnership between DLR and EADS Astrium Germany Both satellites – TerraSAR-X and TanDEM-X – are in very good health Continue/optimize acquisition for validation sites, support scientific exploitation of data, continuity (Constellation with Paz, TerraSAR-X NG) planned DLR Project & Mission Management G/S Development & Ops System Engineering Support Science Coordination/Exploitation Astrium Geo-Information Services Service Infrastructure Information Products Commercial Exploitation Actual GFOI R&D (FCT) Contribution FCT Validation sites are established as background mission Data access along DLR procedures Potential GFOI contribution Bilateral demonstration projects existing/envisaged (Africa, Latin America) Framework needed for „GFOI approach“
Other relevant DLR activities Funding development/improvement of relevant methods for REDD+ and GFOI, such as automated, large area monitoring of changes in forest cover and landuse, forest degradation, etc. Focus on synergistic use of Sentinels and German missions Coordination/collaboration with GFOI teams being sought Examples: SENSE-CARBON Project (started in May 2013, Humboldt-Uni Berlin, Uni Bonn, Study area in Amazonia) Project with TerraSAR-X in Ecuador (Uni Freiburg) More projects in preparation (encompassing bistatic TanDEM-X data) Workshop with relevant German officials, providers, researchers and international partners (see Support of literature study and database (see Chart 18> Lecture > Author Document > Date
German REDD+ development cooperation Numerous bilateral activities, incl. Satellite data, monitoring systems and related capacity building Ongoing MRV projects in SADC, Ghana, Indonesia, Latin America) From 2013 on, investment of € 500 Mio/year for forestry and biodiversity New “REDD Early Movers” program providing, among others, performance payments for quantified emission reductions Key investor in the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility (FCPF) and other multilateral mechanisms ICI financed “CD-REDD” Project in 18 countries additional to UN-REDD countries
Mexico and adjacent countries (southwards) Transfer of Mexican NFMS to Central America region, as a South2South Cooperation Includes RapidEye wall2wall data TSX-TDX Data (e.g. sample plots) also proposed to be included Implementation proposed to German and Norwegian Government for funding Chart 20> Lecture > Author Document > Date
Other countries Indonesia (ForClime project) Ghana Southern African Development Community countries … Chart 21> Lecture > Author Document > Date