April 21-22, 2015 Mekele SBN annual meeting Improved Sesame Production Package Scaling out in Northwest Ethiopia: The case of North Gondar Zone
Introduction North Gondar Administrative Zone is located in the northwestern part of Amhara Region the total population of Zone is above 2,929,628 of which 1,486,040 (50.72%} are males and the rest 1,443,588 (49.28%} are females. The farming system is composed of crop production 16.07%, livestock 8.58% both crop and livestock productions are 75.35%
The Zone has 24 Woredas and out of these 17 woredas are potential for sesame production Last year (2014) - Sesame = 261,219 ha Sorghum = 210,031 ha Maize = 89,171 ha Cotton = 23,779.5 ha Teff = 100,960.5 ha Rice = ha
In the zone as well as in Ethiopia a lot of public investments have been made to generate productivity and quality improving technologies Therefore, in the zone - To create awareness on improved sesame production technologies Sesame production package ( 20 steps) is developed.
This is mainly to increase access to improved technologies of sesame and sorghum and other rotational crops Therefore, mechanisms were developed to access the improved technologies in the five SBN woreda’s rolling out of the 20 steps
Partnership Development - collaboration agreement documents were prepared and signed between Amhara and Tigray regional Bureaus of Agriculture Resource Mobilization and Planning - During action planning each woreda was given the opportunity to decide on the number of -demo sites and size of the demo plots, -Identification of kebeles, -FTCs and -MF Methodology/Approach
No. of demos per woreda WoredakebeleMFFTC Quara8458 Metema T/Armachiho Tegede2324 W/Armachiho Total
Capacity Development Core team member selection and training Training of DAS and MF at woreda level -33 core team members participated -Then divide in to five woredas and train 100 experts and DAs, 354 MF, and total to 487 participants.
Training material preparation and distribution =36,590 copies of 20 steps sesame production guide and =2505 copies of manuals distributed
Logbook prepared and distributed Input and other necessary materials distributed Monitoring, Coaching and Technical Backstopping undertaken at different stages By woreda experts, SBN staff and GARC Field days conducted,
Sesame Business Network Ethiopia
Yield in FTCs (Amhara region) 1) full package, 2) broadcast with fertilizer, 3) row planting without fertilizer and 4) farmers practice. plot hectare Abasena, Humera 1, and Setit 1 -depending on their adaptability. Result
There is significant difference between the farmers practice and the full package - broadcast + fertilizer and farmer practice
The yield at different FTCs
Variety Humera 1
Variety Setit 1 There is significant difference between -the farmers practice and the full package and the full package and broad cast+ fertilizer - broadcast + fertilizer and row without fertilizer
Adaptation of rotational crops In all FTCs adaptation of major rotational crops were done - Sorghum (PAC 537) qt/ha - Mugbean ( Arkebe) qt/ha - Soyabean (Nova variety) qt/ha and - Cotton (Deltapine-90 variety ) Advanta (PAC 537)
In ten representative FTCs in the five woredas - Determination of the best precursor crop for sesame is conducted - The experiment continue for the coming season.
In Amhara, 362 demonstration plots were planted on MFs' fields, -selected from 53 kebeles of the five woredas. -Yield data were collected from 239 farmer fields. Yield measurement at MFs Field
Yield vs Woreda
In Quara out of 51 demo plots planted, yield was collected from 32 fields. The highest yield obtained was 7.6 qt/ha while the lowest was 0.4 qt/ha.
In the Metema woreda, out of 108 demonstration plots planted in 16 kebeles, yield data was collected from 61 plots. The highest yield recorded was 11 qt/ha. Six farmers harvested 8-10 qt/ha and 11 farmers obtained 6-8 qt/ha. The highest mean yield, 7 qt/ha was obtained from kebeles, Gendewuha, Kumer aftit and Shashigie and the lowest from Shinfa and Zebach bahir.
W/Armachiho on 92 farmers' fields. Yield was collected from 71 MFs
In Tach Armachiho woreda 84 MFs fields were planted in 11kebeles. Out of which yield data was collected from 50 plots.
In Tegede woreda, 28 model farmers' fields were planted in 4 kebeles. Yield was reported from 25 MFs the highest is 7.2 qt/ha, while the lowest is (0.6 qt/ha).
26 (7.3%) MF obtained > 8 qt/ha Metema 4 farmers, Quara 1, Tegedie 1, WestArmachiho 3 and TachArmachiho 17 farmers
170 (47.8 %) MF harvested between qt/ha Metema 48 farmers, Quara 17, Tegedie 16, WestArmachiho 33 and TachArmachiho 56
159(44.7%) MF harvested less than 4 qt/ha Metema 47, Quara 27, Tegedie 17, WestArmachiho 57 and TachArmachiho 11 farmers
Rain fall for longer period during harvesting Insect pest infestation starting sowing to harvesting. Termite infestation at hilla stalk and threshing. Not implementing the 20 steps fully and ontime (less frequency of plowing, weeding, insect pest and disease inspection and controlling ) Reasons for low yield
Using high seed rate Delay in first weeding Weakness in maintaining between row spacing Reluctant to thin
Lack of knowledge or skill on insect pests and disease identification and delay in taking action for proper and timely management Lack of knowledge or skill on fertilizer application, proper and timely agronomic practices application
Total no. Participant = 39,745 Held for 267 times in 50 kebeles at different stages Field day conducted
Reflection of farmers during field day row planting is labor intensive. need for availing row planter/s for different category of farmers. Most farmers appreciated the full package treatment for tolerating water logged conditions, insect and disease pests. The performance of rotational crops created farmers interests to grow for food, market and soil fertility fertilizer rates should be based on fertility status of each field.
Delay of model farmers and site selection Changing plots to other crop reducing size of plot Poor management/row planting, gab filling, tinning, weeding frequency, pest scouting and control/ Wide spread of insect pests and diseases. Climate change/heavy rain Challenges observed
Proper site and model farmer selection should be given due attention Partner contribution and financial management, record and receipt keeping should be given first degree priority in the upcoming collaboration agreement Recommendation/Lesson Learned
The motivation and commitment from both sides (the woreda experts and DAs) was very encouraging, and this has to be further strengthened Ensure sustainability by involving woreda and kebele experts more provide timely training Provide the necessary inputs on time Recom....
Future Plan WoredaKebeleFTCMFSBC _MFInvestor Farmers Metema Quara T/Armachiho Tegede W/Armachiho Total
Budget plan Budget categories Contribution Total WoAFarmersSBN SP Training of trainers41, ,428455,812 Farmer training centers (1ha)1,036, ,4401,427,622 Farmer plots 1ha-1,044,355191,1001,235,455 Farmer plots 1/2 ha -2,472,300405,0002,877,300 Investor farmer plots (2.5ha)1,221,450127,5001,348,950 Woreda supervision149, ,100318,200 Incentives-- 434,744 Total1,226,6664,738,1052,133,3128,098,083 %15%59%26%100% Euro55,758215,36896,969368,095