Spain in America 2.3
The Conquest of Mexico Conquistadors Gold & silver 1519 Cortes arrives 1521 Aztecs conquered Cortes & Spain gold
Conquest of Peru 1533 Pizarro Silver for Pizarro & Spain
Why Spain Won Superior weapons & animals Aztec neighbors helped Small pox
Justification for Conquest Cultural superiority History of crusades Papal order dividing the New World Mission to spread Catholicism Heathenism Protestantism 1517
Exploration of NA 1513 Ponce de Leon Florida gold & The Fountain of Youth 1565 St. Augustine
The Seven Cities of Gold “Cibola” 1528-1536 De Vaco & Estevanico DeSoto 3yrs Florida & SE Violent Buried in MS River
Coronado N. Mexico, AZ, NM 1540 Zuni No gold CO River to KS Buffalo
Devastation of Indian Communities Mobile communities 100’s of people Spread disease Later colonizers will find native settlements gone
Conquistador Rule Demand tax & labor Natives worked to death in the mines Cruel
Indian Labor Gold & sliver mines Haciendas
Spain & Indians 2 agendas Restraints on abuse Saving souls Exploit labor Restraints on abuse Pope ban on Indian enslavement 1537 Las Casas’s Destruction of the Indies
Colonial Govt Curb conquistador aggression Est. top-down royal govt Social composition Young men, laborers, craftsmen, soldiers Govt officials, priests, professionals, minor aristocrats
The New Laws 1542 Continued abuse banning native slavery encomienda system – free forced labor Continued abuse repartimiento system – involuntary paid labor African slaves
Plantation System Large farms in NA Tobacco & sugar in West Indies Native labor then 1500’s African slaves
Spanish Settlement Pueblos Missions Prisidio 1598 New Mexico founded Cattle & horses 1607 Santa Fe capitol of Providence
Spanish Settlements
Spanish Society 4 Classes Peninsulares Creoles Mestizos Native American & African Slaves
Southwest NM, TX, CA 1542 Spain claims CA 1769 missions CA Natives farm & maintain mission Changes to native life Traditions bad Christian farmers now
Impact of Native Societies on Empire Mestizos Hybrid culture 1531 Virgin of Guadalupe
Black Legend Spain’s image as uniquely brutal & exploitive Based on conquistadors & Las Casas writings Justify other European powers to challenge Spain for New World control