G053 Lecture 22 Coursework Feedback 2014 Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher www.computechedu.co.uk.


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Presentation transcript:

G053 Lecture 22 Coursework Feedback 2014 Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher

Session Objectives To receive further guidance on common misunderstandings after the first hand in..

FINAL DEADLINE 9.00am on Tuesday 21 st January. Mr J’s normal remark policy applies Tell me what you have changed wont go looking Do not renumber pages If you need to add extra pages do so … but number pages as letters e.g. if you need extra pages between 10 and 11 use 10a, 10b 10c etc Loose your mark sheet and tough – no marks…. not marking work again!

Overview There is a much more laid back approach to the coursework this year as the January session does not exist, This is rather worrying as we have to start the new unit but there is still too much work outstanding the final deadline is now 9.00am on Tuesday 21 st Jan, I have seen about 7 / 21 bits of work, they weren't bad and showed promise – WHERE ARE THE REST? We do still have 7 people who have not uploaded their sites yet – this is very disappointing as sites were supposed to be finished before Christmas..

Task A and B Both these tasks were marked ages ago and feedback received thank you to those who bothered to make adjustments some didn’t… Ensure you have evidence to complete task b of: A site index Evidence of uploading and your site is actually published online – this was missing from many portfolios Screen shots of the upload process, then a screen shot of your website showing the is appropriate.

Task Ci Your finished website needs to have used a wide range of techniques and features to create a website of professional standard, Some of the sites are not quite professional standard and therefore will not be eligible for marks within band 3, CSS, Javascript, CGI/ASP, Flash, templates, animated gifs, rollovers, time/date, multimedia will be included. Annotation of website screen shots needs to identify the features used (especially sound, flash, rollovers and dropdown) as its not always obvious what they are.

Evidence for task ci – need to show clearly the various scenes of assets. REMEMBER the moderator does not see your site.

Task Cii Tables are a good way of explaining the features used and how they add impact BUT often no evidence was included and entries became generic Just including HYPERLINKS is not good enough – need to tell me hyperlink to what….. And show me a picture of it Most people forgot to include: ASP, DATABASE, VALIDATION, TEMPLATE, CSS, POP UPS, and DROP DOWN MENUs within their features

Features To ID / Describe Template Images Flash animations Gif animations Image Maps Hyperlinks (page, internal, external, ) Rollover Images Drop Down Menus CSS Videos Interactive Maps Date / Time RSS Feeds Javascript Pop Ups Image Galleries Search Bars Web Forms Form Validation ASP for form processing Database iFrames Advertisements Any other whiz bang stuff

Task D The code annotation was poor – you must explain fully 3 TAGS highlighting bits of CSS or JavaScript is not appropriate the html, head and body tag are not good selections either Highlighting only the close part of the tag is again not good Select three tags and explain exactly what they do and when they close (include all the properties of the tag) – a table and all its associated tags (tr, td etc) would be good, image tag and its properties, hyperlink tag and all its properties Use the notes from the HTML lecture or an online resource to help Remember to edit as well as add html code and don’t try to blag it – Dreamweaver writes code which you haven't been taught and I can tell

This is the image tag which is used to show an image. In this example the image tag displays a picture of Ricky my dog, which is called rickyDogPicture.jpg and is located in the images folder of my website. The tag sets the width of the picture to 250 pixels and height to 180 pixels. It also removes the border encase I want to place a hyperlink on the picture and the horrid blue border wont show. I have also included an alt tag which is text that will display if the image is not available – I have placed in the alt tag the text – picture of Ricky my dog, he is white and ginger terrier. I think this is sensible which gives somebody a good idea of what the picture looks like. Alt tags are also used by page readers if the user is blind so this description is good for these.

This is the tag which inserts a table into my webpage. This table tag inserts a table into my page which is 400 pixels wide. The border=“0” property ensures that no border is displayed, whilst setting both the cellpadding and cellspacing properties to 0 ensures that there is no space between the border and contents of each cell (cellpadding) and between each cell (cellspacing). The tag creates a new table row – it sets the height of the row to 20 pixels. The two tags each create a cell within the row. The first cell is 100 pixels wide and the second is 300 pixels wide. In each cell there is just some text. The tags close each cell and the tag finishes the row. The tag closes the table. Welcome to………… The Ricoh arena, formally the home of the mightly Sky Blues!!!!!!!

Task E Needs perhaps to be more extensive, Ensure you have clear evidence of testing – a table is not always sufficient on its own. The inclusion of screen shots within your test table will make testing more overt rather than implied. Include clear evidence of testing within two different browsers: Rollovers Validation Database connection (see

Task F Not seen any so cant comment specifically this year BUT….. In general Be critical with your analysis - +ve / -ve need reasons and theory to back them up, Where -ve is found you must explain an improvement, There are two parts to the evaluation – the site and your own performance ensure both are completed fully, When evaluating your site include feedback from visitors and assess for accessibility using WAG - using WAG gives some good theory bases improvements!!!

Own Performance Requires detailed analysis on the methods used to design, implement and test your site… Some methods could include: Design: Mind map, storyboards, structure diagram, time plan Development: Dreamweaver, coding, asset development Testing: Test plan, different situations, user testing For each method explain critically your experiences – What went well What didn’t Impacts on the overall project / product due to the methods adopted What would you do differently next time