SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA COS Status FUV Detector “1-bounce design” NUV Detector HST aberration fully-corrected Calibration Platform
COS Status SI stored at GSFC since April 2004; periodic functional testing Removed, inspected, reworked, & tested MEB boards from August-September 2006 – including replacing all LV power converters COS successfully completed Thermal-Vacuum Testing (TV II) in November/December 2006
COS Status: SI testing-related Thermal-Vac testing at GSFC – –Demonstrated continued nominal performance of COS – –Exercised new modes and capabilities: e.g., “TAGFLASH” observing mode STScI participated on-site in Thermal-Vac II activities – –supported alignment and science calibration activities – –Prepared and executed comprehensive test of TAGFLASH mode All TV data (~10 Gbytes from 1200 exposures) tranferred to STScI – –will be processed through OPUS and archived in MAST for retrieval via StarView Wavelength-dependent NUV sensitivity decline observed – –Up to 15% decline only for bare Al-coated gratings and λ > 2100 Ǻ > >may be due to systematic differences in test setup – –Witness sample mirrors show no degradation; surrogate spare gratings are presently being tested at GSFC – –All sensitivities measured in 2006 testing are within spec and remain at least 3x more efficient than equivalent STIS E230M modes Continued storage at GSFC –Functional tests every 3 months; NUV throughput tests every 6 months –Test data will be archived in MAST
COS Status: STScI TAGFLASH : – –Thorough successful testing by STScI at Thermal-Vac II – –Program prepared entirely with GO tools (APT); first execution of STScI SMS on SI – –Obtains wavelength calibration data by flashing cal lamp during TIME-TAG exposures rather than as a separate exposure; achieves greater observing efficiency and allows removal of any mechanism motions FUV MCP (1 of 2 segments) External Science Internal PtNe Wavecal Exposure Time Calculator (ETC) –Spectroscopic ETC: now in testing through April 2007 –Target Acquisition and Imaging ETC: summer 2007 Bright Object Protection –User tool in APT: testing now through April 2007; incorporates GALEX Documentation –Distributed mini-HB version 3 with Cycle 17 CfP –Instrument Handbook being drafted in preparation for release in Cycle 17
COS Status: STScI STScI preparing SMS for SMGT testing –Test will occur in late July 2007 –SMS will exercise all COS science and calibration-related modes in realistic usage scenarios –Resultant data will be processed through pipeline and archived SMOV4 preparations –STScI, in consultation with COS IDT, prepared updated set of comprehensive requirements; formal review mid-March 2007 –Activity summaries (program phase I) to be prepared in summer 2007; review in fall 2007
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STScI COS Team Activities FY07 Instrument Handbook completion and delivery Thermal-Vac II support; TAGFLASH analysis SMGT program preparation and test support Pipeline testing, special commanding, reference files SMOV4 verification, calibration proposal development Data Handbook preparation Aperture definition and world coordinate system development ETC/BOP completion and delivery Cumulative Image development Associations testing Keyword updates Cycle 17 Call for Proposals GTO Target Review
Ground Science Calibration 2006 Science calibration tests in Nov/Dec 2006 TV II test at GSFC Goals of 2006 test plan (“Appendix C”): –Demonstrate continued nominal performance of COS –Exercise new modes and capabilities: e.g., “TAGFLASH” observing mode –Obtain additional information needed to reduce and interpret science data: external FUV flat-field observations Did not repeat all tests from 2003; only those required to meet above goals Two-tiered test plan: required tests and optional tests to be executed only if questions arise about the current performance of COS Close STScI Thermal-Vac Coordination with IDT – –Coordinating Thermal-Vac staffing resources and schedules – –FUV and NUV Thermal-Vac data processed by OPUS and ingested in MAST – –Initial reference file delivery from IDT prior to SMGT in July 2007
Science Calibration Test Categories Alignment, focus, image quality, resolution Sensitivity Wavelength scales Flat field and S/N Detector functions Optical stability & repeatability Target acquisition algorithms TAGFLASH
Sensitivity Statistically significant sensitivity degradation between 2003 and 2006 for only G225M and G285M spectral elements –These are the only gratings with bare aluminum coatings –Test-related systematics can not be ruled out as source of differences between 2003 and 2006 measurements –Degradation is not uniform with wavelength >No degradation since 2003 at 2100 Å where degradation may have stabilized –Even with measured degradation, COS retains significantly higher throughput than STIS E230M and the COS MAMA is predicted to have a factor of 4 lower background –Witness samples show NO degradation –Spare NUV gratings presently being evaluated at GSFC Possible amelioration? –very difficult to access OSM2 mechanism and NUV gratings