Study Guide for Age of Contact and Spanish Colonial Era
Cabeza de Vaca was originally apart of the Navarez expedition. The year 1519 is significant because Pineda mapped the coast of TX, allowing others a guide for future explorations. Hernan Cortes can best be remembered for exploring Mexico City and waging war upon the Aztecs, taking their gold and silver and the city.
4. Missionaries were people who were sent to do charitable work in a territory or foreign country. 5. Gold, God, and Glory were the main reasons for European Explorers competing in the new world. 6. San Antonio was founded in 1718. 7. Missions were primarily used to convert natives to the catholic faith and Spain also used them to colonize. 8. Presidios were build near missions primarily to protect and provide for them.
9. Fray Damien Massanet can best be remembered for establishing the San Francisco de los Tejas mission. 10. Many natives started to die in the missions due to a change in diet, disease, unsanitary conditions and lack of medical care. 11. A village that was made up of regular people, they weren’t soldiers nor priests was called a Civil Settlement.
12. What explorer searched tirelessly for gold but ended up with nothing, Cabeza de Vaca searched as well as most other explorers 13. The rumor of the seven cities of gold was started by natives and spread by Cabeza de Vaca. 14. As early as 1519, Pineda mapped the coast of TX.
15. La Salle established Ft. St. Louis. 16 15. La Salle established Ft. St. Louis. 16. La Salle was murdered by his men because of his arrogance and the way that he treated them. 17.Most missions and presidios were located near water sources. 18. The Spanish King expected missions to be completely self-sufficient and make him money.
19. Most soldiers that worked in presidios, signed up for 10 years, guarded horses and cattle, and brought back runaway natives. 20. Presidios were important because they were essential to the success of the missions. 21. Women in Spanish TX held power through owning land and investments. 22. The Spanish brought horses and cattle to TX.