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Guide to Listening Comprehension 2 15 TOEIC Test: Listening Comprehension The first section of the TOEIC® Test is Listening Comprehension. It has four separate parts, and each part has different directions: Part I: Sentences About Photographs 10 items Part II: Questions/Responses 30 items Part III: Short Conversations 30 items Part IV: Short Talks 30 items
Guide to Listening Comprehension 2 15 TOEIC Test: Listening Comprehension Exam Essentials Test Part:Listening II Type: Questions/Responses Number of items:30 Choices per item: 3 Time between items:5 seconds
Introduction to Part II 2 15 TOEIC Test: Listening Comprehension This part of the test has 30 items. For each item, you hear one person ask a question. Then you hear another person give three possible responses (answers) to the question. You must choose the response that you think is the best answer for the question. There is no pause between the three responses, and there is only a five— second pause between each of the items. The questions and the responses are not written in your test book. In your test book, the items look like this: 21. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. 22. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. 23. Mark your answer on the answer sheet. etc. This is the only part of the test that has three answer choices, not four.
Tips for Part II 2 15 TOEIC Test: Listening Comprehension 1. Focus only on listening to the questions and the responses. Don’t look in your test book at all. 2. Try to decide what kind of question is being asked. This will help you decide which of the answer choices is correct. You will learn about the different types of questions (information questions, yes/no questions, etc.) in this lesson. 3. Pretend that someone is asking YOU the questions. How would you answer? This may help you choose the correct response. 4. If you don’t know which response is correct, take a guess and go on. 5. Mark your answers quickly because you don’t have much time between items. 6. Always answer each item. Never leave any items unanswered.
2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 1. Don’t mark your answer until after you hear all four choices. 2. If you think answer choice (A) is correct, rest the point of your pencil on the letter A on your answer sheet. Do not mark the answer; just hold the point of your pencil there. If you think choice (B), or (C) is correct, rest the point of your pencil on the letter that you think is correct. *Special Tips for Marking Your Answer Sheet in Part 2* Questions/Responses 1. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ
2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 3. If you change your mind about the correct answer, change the position of your pencil to rest on the answer that you think is best. 4. After you hear all four answer choices, mark the one on which the point of your pencil is resting. (This method of using your pencil helps you remember which answer you think is the best.) *Special Tips for Marking Your Answer Sheet in Part 2* Questions/Responses 1. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ
2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Vocabulary: Before you begin, you may want to talk about these words with your classmates or look them up in a dictionary. conference roomhallwayapplication form Preview Test for Part II Questions/Responses Listen to a sample: You hear: You then hear: ⓑ ⓒ Choice (A), “At the gymnasium,” is the best response to the question, “Where have you been, Steve?” You should mark (A).
2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Preview Test for Part II Questions/Responses 1. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 6. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 2. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 7. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 3. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 8. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 4. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 9. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 5. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ 10. ⓐ ⓑ ⓒ
A. Types of Questions There are two main types of questions in Part II: information questions and yes/no questions. Information questions begin with the wh-question words or with the question word how... ?. These questions ask for specific information. Where is the bank? When does the meeting start? How did you get to work this morning? Yes/No questions begin with an auxiliary verb (has, does, should, etc.) or some form of the main verb to be (are, is, was, etc.). Did you have a good trip to Bangkok? Are you from Canada? Have you been waiting long? 2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses
A. Types of Questions There are four or five other types of questions that you will sometimes hear in Part II. The most common ones are tag questions and alternative questions. A tag question is a statement with a “question tag” at the end. Ricardo is a good worker, isn’t he? You’re not tired, are you? An alternative question offers choices or possibilities. The word or always appears between the choices or alternatives. Do you want to go on Friday or on Monday? Is your friend’s name Bob or Rob? It’s important to be able to understand different kinds of questions because each type of question has different types of answers TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses
Exercise 2.1 Focus: Identifying information questions, yes/no questions, tag questions, and alternative questions. Vocabulary: Before you begin, you may want to talk about these words with your classmates or look them up in a dictionary. to be over repairgo on vacationshopping mall Directions: If you hear an information question, circle INFO. If you hear a yes/no question, circle Y/N. If you hear a tag question, circle TAG. If you hear an alternative question, circle ALT. The first one has been done as an example TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses
Directions: If you hear an information question, circle INFO. If you hear a yes/no question, circle Y/N. If you hear a tag question, circle TAG. If you hear an alternative question, circle ALT. The first one has been done as an example TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses 1.INFO Y/N TAG ALT 5. INFO Y/N TAG ALT 2.INFO Y/N TAG ALT 6. INFO Y/N TAG ALT 3.INFO Y/N TAG ALT 7. INFO Y/N TAG ALT 4.INFO Y/N TAG ALT 8. INFO Y/N TAG ALT
B. Information Questions About 50% of the questions that you hear in Part B are information questions. These questions ask for specific information. These are the most common question words: What …? Why...? How...? Who...? When...? Whose... ? Where …? Which... ? A response to an information question can be a short answer— a word or a phrase—or a complete sentence TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses
Where is Conference Room C? ⓐ At 10:30. Down this hallway. ⓒ An important meeting TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses This is a where... ? question. It asks about a place, specifically about a room. Choice (B) is correct because it is the only response that gives a place. Choice (A) is incorrect because it provides a time, not a place. This choice answers a when... ? question. Choice (C) is also incorrect; it answers the question “What will happen in Conference Room C?”
2 15 TOEIC Test: Lesson 2 Testing Points and Exercises for Part II Questions/Responses Why did Ms. Arita go home early? ⓐ Yes, almost two hours early. ⓑ She wasn’t late this morning. She was feeling a little sick. This why questions asks about a reason. It really means, “What was the reason Mr. Arita went home early?” Choice (C) provides a reason, and it is the best answer. Choice (A) is incorrect. This is a response for a yes or no question, not information question. Choice (B) is about being late in the morning, not going home early.
Sample QuestionsPossible Responses Who were you talking to? That was Mr. Huang. Who will meet me at the airport? David Collins will be there TOEIC: Questions/Responses 1. Who... ? is used to ask about people. Questions with Who …? 2. Whose... ? asks about possession. It asks who has something or who owns something. Notice that the answer for a whose…? question usually has a possessive word. (my sister’s, mine). Sample QuestionsPossible Responses Whose car did you borrow?I’m using my sister’s car. Whose pen is this?That’s mine.
2 15 TOEIC: Questions/Responses Questions with Who …? **Be careful. The word whose sounds exactly like the contraction who’s (meaning who is). The word whose, however, is almost always followed by a noun. The answer for a whose …? question usually contains a possessive word. Sample QuestionsPossible Responses Whose bicycle was stolen?It was mine. Who’s going to Seoul?John is.
Always WAIT until the last answer, and make your BEST GUESS in part 2: Page 47 #1 Who are you going to invite for the party? (A) All our employees. (B) In the park. “Who” Questions
Always listen to the FIRST WORD in part 2: Page 47 #3 Who is in charge of the renovation? (A) Yes, I did. (B) It hasn’t been decided yet. “Who” Questions
Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What is that machine over there? That’s an electrical engine. What’s your brother’s first name? It’s Antonio. What are you going to do this evening? I’m going to be working late TOEIC: Questions/Responses 1. What... ? is used to ask questions about things, names, and actions. Questions with What …? 2. What time... ? is used to ask about the time of day. Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What time does the train from Berlin arrive? At about 11 o’clock. What time do you plan to leave? In an hour.
Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What did you think of that movie we saw last night? I thought it was too long. What do you think of the new director? I like her a lot TOEIC: Questions/Responses 3. What... think of? asks about an opinion. Questions with What …? 4. What... do for a living? asks about a job or occupation. Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What do you do for a living? I’m a manager at a bookstore.
Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What kind of music do you like? I enjoy jazz. What kind of car are you looking for? I want to get a sports car. What color... ? What day... ?What size... ? What flavor... ? What number... ?What shape... ? 2 15 TOEIC: Questions/Responses 5. What kind of... ? asks about type or kind. Questions with What …? 6. What... ? is also used with many nouns to ask questions: Sample QuestionsPossible Responses What color is your new tie? It’s red with white stripes. What size shoes does your brother wear? I don’t know exactly, but he has big feet.
Page 49 #1 What did you buy for your new office? (A) Some laptops. (B) Last week. “What” Questions
Page 53 Quiz (www. SOCRATIVE.com) Page 53 #1 Page 53 #2 Page 53 #4 Who/What Questions