Access to electronic scientific information: policies, strategies and programmes The Brazilian experience Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida Brazilian Federal.


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Presentation transcript:

Access to electronic scientific information: policies, strategies and programmes The Brazilian experience Elenara Chaves Edler de Almeida Brazilian Federal Agency for Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education

What is Capes? a foundation attached to Ministry of Education created in 1951 mission “to improve the quality of higher education institutions in Brazil” 1,220 PhD and 2,150 MSc programmes 150,000 students enrolled, 30,000 faculty

support to graduate programmes in Brazil evaluation of graduate courses support to institutional faculty training programmes granting of international and national scholarships promotion of international cooperation development of special programmes in strategic fields assessment of graduate programmes 7,000 PhD and 25,000 MSc degrees awarded last year access to scientific information Portal Periódicos Capes What does Capes do?

Objectives to provide free and universal access to scientific information to authorized users in participating institutions to offer the best and most complete collection as possible with the available resources to provide the same level of scientific information to institutions and regions all over the country to enhance the internationalization of the Brazilian academic community to increase the quantity, quality and visibility of the Brazilian scientific production

Why ? Since 1994 Capes is responsible for aquisition of bibliografic material for Federal Universities 1995 – Capes sent money to institutions to buy your own journals 1997 – Aquisition was made by CAPES for 75 federal institutions – it cost USD 21 millions/year and the content was 33,000 subscriptions 1999 – Capes had a strong cut in your budget - USD 9,9 millions (crisis = opportunity) 2000 – The Portal was created

To Whom? More than 1,3 million users Undergraduate and graduate students Faculty and researchers 183 institutions: Federal universities and colleges Research institutes with graduate programmes rated 3 or more by the CAPES evaluation system (1-7) State and municipal public universities and institutions with graduate programmes rated 3 or more by the CAPES evaluation system (1-7) Private universities and research institutions with graduate programmes at the doctoral level rated 5 or more by the CAPES evaluation system (1-7) Technological colleges

Collection Full Text Databases –more than 10,520 journals –files dating back to 1879 –guarantee of access to the subscribed publications Abstract Databases databases in a variety of subject areas - Biological, CAB, EconLit, FSTA, Georef, MathSci, Philosopher’s, MLA, Sociological, PsycInfo, Compendex, WoS, DII, and SciFinder Scholar (CAS Chemical Abstracts Service ).

Collection Profile

Journal Collection 2000 to 2006

Access to Databases

Number of downloaded articles per publisher – 2005 Total of downloaded articles – 13,995,454

Cost per Article (downloads) 2001 to 2005 Cost per Research (reference) 2001 to 2005

All the suggestions received are analyzed by the Coordination of the Portal Periodicos Capes and by the Advisory Board of the Programme, taking into account the following criteria: Graduate programmes: number of courses, levels, faculty, students, productivity and other characteristics per area Collection size and use per area Subject equilibrium of the collection Number of requests of individual titles by users Financial resources available Legal and operational constraints for international contracts impact factor of the publication, according to the Journal Citation Reports of ISI (Institute for Scientific Information) other matters that may interfere in the selection of the journal title How are the journal titles selected to be part of the Portal?

Which are the Benefits? Staff: Reduction of the number of professionals involved in processing activities (import, distribution and cataloguing of journals) Physical structure: Reduction of storage space in institutions Print vs electronic: Reduction in the subscription cost Collection development: 1998 – 33,000 print subscriptions the equivalent of 2,000,000 electronic subscriptions

How is the Access? Access to databases is authorized via the IP addresses of computers located in participating institutions Remote access to researchers should be provided by the institutions

Impacts of the Portal Technological and Scientific Impact It supllies the demands from academic, productive and governmental sectors. It promotes quantitative and qualitative growth of national scientific production and the improvement of the Brazilian position in the world science and technology ranking. Economical impact The cost of e-resources is lower than the cost to equip the institutions with print journals Lower cost per research Increase in the cost-effectiveness of the Programme Social Impact Democratization of scientific and technological information, providing all institutions access to the same collection.

Biggest Challenges Increasing number of institutions that reach the requisites for access; Pressure by the editors to provide packs of titles; Percentage increase in renewal subscriptions; Capes is the only financier of the cost (USD 32 millions/year); Transferences of titles from one editor to another difficult the continuity of the collection..

Where are we going? publications of important scientific and academic publishers still need to be represented in the collection administrative and legal constraints to buy from small publishers have to be solved cross search engine (maze effect) will be available training, training and more training has to be done extending access to other Latin American countries

Thank you for your attention!