PPE Use Standard (SSP-0011) Y Full Face Shield / Goggles Hood Clothing—Chemical Protection Gloves—Chemical Personal Fall Protection Respirator / Filter Mask Supplied Air Job Hazards Y es Job Hazards Y es Access and EgressMoving Parts Activities of OthersNoise Adverse WeatherRail Movement Chemical ExposureSharp Edges ElectricitySlips, Trips, and Falls FatigueStatic Electricity Fire and ExplosionTrip Injuries Ground ContaminationTrapped Pressure Manual HandlingWorking at Height Other: References / Documents MSDS on gasoline. Unit Safe Upper & Lower Limits Spreadsheet AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-AL of 2 Flashpoint of Kerosene by Tag Manual Closed Cup Tester EnvironmentalSpecial Instructions EquipmentMaterials and Reagents Scope / Objective Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: Flashpoint of Kerosene by Tag Manual Closed Cup Tester NOTE: Sample should be chilled to at least 20°F below expected flashpoint. 1Place flash tester in draft-free area dark enough to allow flash to be readily seen and plug power cord into receptacle. 2Remove cover mechanism taking care not to damage thermometers. 3 Lift brass sample cup out of bath and check water level (water level should be high enough so that it is higher than surface of sample liquid during testing). a. If needed, add DI water to bath. 4 Using a graduated cylinder and taking care not to wet the cup above the final liquid level, measure 50 ±0.5 ml of sample into the cup. NOTE: It is essential that the sample temperature be maintained at least 18°F below the expected flash point at all times prior to testing. 5Destroy any air bubbles present on the surface of the sample. 6Wipe the inside of the cover mechanism with a clean cloth or tissue and reattach to bath collar. 7Attach rubber hose from cover mechanism to natural gas source and turn on gas. 8Light test flame using lighter or other ignition source and adjust to the size of the small bead on the cover. 9 Adjust dial so that sample temperature rises approximately 5°F/min. until temperature reaches 100°F, then decrease heat so that a rate of 2°F/min. is reached. NOTE: Kerosene specification for flash point is a minimum of 123°F.
AreaUnitOperating Procedure #Certified byRevision #DatePage 3LabOPS-LB-AL of 2 Flashpoint of Kerosene by Tag Manual Closed Cup Tester Continued Note: This procedure is only valid at the time of printing. The control version can be found on the Meraux Refinery intranet. Completed Date:Prepared By:Approved By: Flashpoint of Kerosene by Tag Manual Closed Cup Tester (continued) 10 Turn knob on cover mechanism so as to introduce flame into vapor space of sample once sample temperature reaches 100°F and then repeat after each 1°F rise in sample temperature. a. The time for each flame introduction should not exceed 1 second. NOTE: Care should be taken to ensure flame does not extinguish prematurely during testing since the gas entering the sample chamber can influence test result. 11 When application of the flame produces a distinct flash in the interior of the cup, record the sample temperature as the flash point. a. If test needs to be repeated for any reason, always use a fresh sample – never make a repeat test on the same sample specimen. NOTE: Do not confuse the true flash with bluish halo that often presents just prior to the actual flash. 12Discontinue heating and turn off gas source. 13Remove cover mechanism and wipe clean on inside and outside of cover. 14Remove sample cup, empty, and wipe dry. 15Clean thermometers and reinsert into holders. 16Store testing apparatus in clean, dry area.