First Direct Experimental Measurement of loss cone scattering of energetic electrons by whistler mode hiss in the plasmasphere Van Allen Probes/BARREL 2014 cooperative campaign. EFW team: Aaron Breneman, John Wygant, John Bonnell, Scott Thaller, Kris Kersten and others University of Minnesota BARREL team: Robyn Millan, Alexa Halford, Leslie Woodger, John Sample and others Dartmouth EMFISIS team: Craig Kletzing, Scott Bounds, George Hospodarsky, Bill Kurth and others MagEIS team: Joe Fennell
Quick Results First direct experimental verification that hiss causes e- loss in plasmasphere Surprise result: – Correlations occur over LARGE regions and therefore have global effect on radiation belts. ~2 min period fluctuations
Quasi-linear diffusion calculation Angular random walk distance in bounce period 50–100 keV e- will scatter ∼ 1◦ over 1 sec bounce period when interacting with the observed hiss. MagEIS flux at 8 deg PA channel has 90,000 e- /s/cm3/keV/sr at 50 keV. Scaling this to BARREL field-of-view mapped to mag eq for single bounce period we find 8x10^20 e-/s scattered into DLC Balloon 2I observes roughly 1,000,000 e−/cm2/s for the keV range. Scaling to field-of-view (circle of 100 km radius at 70 km) we find 3x 10^20 e−/s. Theoretical precipitation flux closely matches observed flux!
Extended mission opportunity …or the Van Allen Probe/BARREL/MMS science triumvirate Is the source of global-scale coherence in ULF period fluctuations of hiss and x- rays generated external or internal to magnetosphere? Compare observations of: – BARREL x-rays from 2015 N hemisphere campaign – Van Allen Probe hiss, density, Bo – MMS ULF period fluctuations in solar wind
# Conjunctions/(Hr_MLT * L) MLT L L L LLL BARREL Extended Mission Kiruna, Sweden 5 Payloads Turn-Around (August) 2015 Balloons mostly Geostationary Consider RBSP Extended Mission Nominal Orbit (No Change) Predicted 1Payload BARREL & RBSP Conjunctions August 2015 Kiruna, Sweden RBSP A FootPt RBSP B FootPt August 2015 Kiruna, Sweden RBSP A FootPt RBSP B FootPt Conjunctions for 2 Week Mission (Aug , 2015) Conjunction – Any time a RBSP satellite is in same 1Hr by 1 L-value bin with a single BARREL balloon per hour UT time Conjunctions on Dayside Dusk sector mostly occur near Apogee Separation of Payloads at Apogee could increase conjunction duration
Larger separation at apogee could provided extended time period of conjunctions with satellites on either side of payload 2015/08/18 12:00 VAPA VAPB 2015/08/18 12:00 VAPA VAPB 2015/08/18 12:00 VAPA VAPB 2015/08/18 12:00 VAPA VAPB Nominal Orbit (No Change)Increase Delta Apogee by 200% Increase Delta Apogee by 300% Increase Delta Apogee by 200%, Decrease VAP A Perigee by 25 km