AASHTOWare Bridge Design and Rating TAG Overview RADBUG Traverse City, Michigan August 2014
Design & Rating TAG Overview TAG – Technical Advisory Group Software is tested before it is released Beta Testing is done by a team of 24 volunteers Mockups and flowcharts are reviewed throughout the year 2
Design Beta TAG Members Aaron KemnaMissouri DOT Arielle EhrlichMinnesota DOT Berhanu WoldemichaelAlabama DOT Beth KappesMontana DOT Brenda CrudeleNew York DOT Jeff OlsenMontana DOT, TAG Co-Chair Jeff RubyKansas DOT Mac MahmoodColorado DOT Nick BarnettIllinois DOT Trenna FultonTsiouvaras Simmons Holderness, Inc. 3
Rating Beta TAG Members Amanda JacksonMontana DOT Amjad WaheedOhio DOT Creightyn McMunnMichigan DOT Christal LarkinsMichigan DOT Elizabeth BefikaduAI Engineers Daniel JonesAlabama DOT Dean TealKansas DOT, TAG Chair George HuangCalTrans John MallardVirginia DOT Joshua DietscheWisconsin DOT Phil LitchfieldIllinois DOT Shanon MurgoitioIdaho DOT Todd ThompsonSouth Dakota DOT Vinacs VinayagamoorthyCalTrans 4
Would You like to Join the TAG? Would you like to be part of this team? Permission from your agency and/or supervisor Include your area of interest 5