Sensory, Physical, & Medical Disabilities EXC 7770 Dr. Susan Brown Kennesaw State University
Limitations adaptive devices attendance fatigue functional limitations medication/treatment effects pain
Sensory Impairments Visual Impairment Hearing Impairment
Prelingual deafness onset before language development Postlingual deafness onset after language development Conductive loss air or bone conduction disruption Sensory loss interference in inner ear or neural pathways Cochlea primary organ of hearing connects inner ear pathways to brain pathways
Levels of hearing loss Hard of hearing decibel loss Educationally - can learn language through hearing Deaf greater than 70 decibel loss Educationally - cannot learn language through hearing
Visual Impairment Visual functioning use of residual vision Low vision significant visual impairment but usable vision Partially sighted 20/ /200 vision Educationally - requires large print
Visual Impairments Blind 20/200 or less vision 20 degrees or less field of vision Educationally - requires Braille
Developmental maturation Cephalo-caudal (head to tail) Proximal-to-distal (central to peripheral) Gross-to-fine Physiological flexion (general bending at joints) to antigravity control Stability to mobility to skilled movement (Heller, Alberto, Forney & Schwartzman, 1996 )
Physical Impairments Muscular Muscular dystrophy Muscular sclerosis Skeletal Arthritis Osteogenesis Scoliosis
Health Impairments Abuse Aids Allergies Asthma Cancer Cystic Fibrosis Diabetes Hemophilia Hepatitis Sickle Cell Anemia
Congenital and Acquired Impairments Amputation/missing limbs Eating disorders Heart disorder Respiratory disorders
Neurological Seizures Spina Bifida Traumatic Brain Injury