Abnormal: Economic Resources: Economic Terms: Economics Misc: Economic Systems:
Category A for 100 Politicians, Ice Man, Ted Bundy, and Jeffery Dahmer all have this in common
Answer to Category A for 100 Antisocial Personality Disorder
Category A for 200 Someone is acting suspicious and cannot trust others, they show signs of what disorder?
Answer to Category A for 200 Paranoid Personality Disorder
Category A for 300 When someone views something as either all good or all bad
Answer to Category A for 300 Borderline Personality Disorder
Category A for 400 Obsession for perfection
Answer to Category A for 400 OCPD
Category A for 500 The main character of Cab Driver suffered from this disorder
Answer to Category A for 500 Schitzotypal
Category B for 100 The Psychodynamic explanation
Answer to Category B for 100 Faulty superego development in the Phallic stage
Category B for 200 Cognitive Explanation
Answer to Category B for 200 Negative and maladaptive thoughts pervade their thought process
Category B for 300 Beck’s Theory
Answer to Category B for 300 They think they are powerless and invaluable and the world is malevolent
Category B for 400 Biological Explanation
Answer to Category B for 400 Low serotonin levels leads to obsessive and compulsive behaviors centered on perfectionism
Category B for 500 Genetic Explanation
Answer to Category B for 500 People with a family history of schizophrenia have a higher chance of having schizotypal personality disorder
Category C for 100 Cleckley’s classic description of APD
Answer to Category C for 100 Superficial Charm and Good Intelligence, Shallow Emotions and lack of guilt, No life plans, Failure to learn from past experiences, Unrelliablity
Category C for 200 PPD
Answer to Category C for 200 Suspicion, hypersensitivity, reluctance to confide in others
Category C for 300 Borderline
Answer to Category C for 300 Stormy interpersonal relationships, mood swings, suicidal tendencies
Category C for 400 OCPD
Answer to Category C for 400 Perfectionism, controlling, and rigid personality
Category C for 500 Emotionally cold, indifference, and social isolation are all symptoms of…
Answer to Category C for 500 Schiziod
Category D for 100 APD
Answer to Category D for 100 The best known treatment is tranquilizers, though they have little effect on the patients
Category D for 200 PPD Treatment Options
Answer to Category D for 200 CBT is the preferred treatment
Category D for 300 Borderline Personality Treatment
Answer to Category D for 300 DBT (Dialectic Behavioral Therapy) is the most common treatment
Category D for 400 OCPD Treatment
Answer to Category D for 400 CBT along with Psychotherapy
Category D for 500 Schiziod Therapy
Answer to Category D for 500 CBT, Group and supportive therapy
Category E for 100 Experience loss of control and act impulsively and aggressively with wide spans of times between episodes
Answer to Category E for 100 Intermittent-Explosive Disorder
Category E for 200 These prevent difficulty in diagnosing patients with Personality Disorders
Answer to Category E for 200 All patients show some signs of a disorder and commonly overlap with some, but not all of the symptoms of other disorders
Category E for 300 What are the points for the 5-Factor- Model?
Answer to Category E for 300 Openness to experience, Neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness, and agreeableness
Category E for 400 This disorder causes you to pull out your hair
Answer to Category E for 400 Trichotillomania
Category E for 500 This group of disorders contains disorders like Intermittent-Explosive, Pathological Gambling, and Kleptomania
Answer to Category E for 500 Impulse Control Disorders