Events that took place before the development of writing are part of….
Back prehistory
Imprints of animals and plants in stone are called _______
fossils Back
True or False: artifacts are man made
Back true
TRUE or FALSE Taking a two week trip to Hawaii is a good example of migration
Back FALSE Moving to live in another state or country would be a more accurate example of migration
A textbook an example of a primary or secondary source?
secondary Back
Would an event that occurred after the birth of Jesus Christ would be labeled BC or AD?
AD Back
BCE is another way to label AD or BC events?
Back BC
CE stands for….
Common Era Back
AD and CE are both ways to label dates of events that occurred after the birth of Jesus Christ True or False
What do the letters BCE stand for???
Back Before Common Era
What do archaeologists study??
Back Events of the past
We can learn a lot about cultures by what the people threw away in the trash… what is that “trash” called???
Back Kitchen midden
The concept that older artifacts and fossils will be found deeper in the ground is called….
Back stratigraphy
9 in 8 in 4 in What is the process of “digging up” the artifacts of the past?
Back excavation
Archaeologists may find fossils and artifacts belonging to our relatives from a long, long time ago. These people are called________
Back ancestors
A period of ten years is called a ________
a decade Back
A period of 100 years is called a ________
Back century
A newspaper article printed at the time of an event would be a primary or secondary source
Back Primary source
A fact is statement that can be proven or of personal preference?
Back Fact is a statement that can be proven
Archaeologists concluded that our ancestors used tools based on stone flakes found among artifacts. Is this an opinion or a reasoned judgement?
Back Reasoned judgement
TV & MOVIES Name this TV character
Peter Griffin Back
Comics What is Superman’s weakness?
Sports What major league baseball team has the most world championships?
Who is this TV character?
Back Ralph Wiggum
Music What musician sings “No Woman No Cry”