The fourth commandment: Honour your father and your mother 48 BATTEN, John Dickson (1860-1932) The Family Oil on canvas, 1886 Collection of Fred and Sherry.


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Presentation transcript:

The fourth commandment: Honour your father and your mother 48 BATTEN, John Dickson ( ) The Family Oil on canvas, 1886 Collection of Fred and Sherry Ross

Compendium of the Catechism 455. What does the fourth commandment require? It commands us to honor and respect our parents and those whom God, for our good, has vested with his authority.

Introduction God wishes that, after him, we honour our parents. But this commandment also includes those members of our family, such as grandparents and ancestors, to whom we owe honour, affection and recognition. This commandment also includes the duties of students towards teachers, employees towards employers, subordinates towards superiors, citizens towards their country and those who rule and govern. BERGAMINI, Francesco ( ) Family Time in the Kitchen Oil on canvas 27 7/8 x 17 7/8 inches (71.1 x 45.7 cm) Public collection

Main ideas

1. Meaning of the fourth commandment The fourth commandment reminds us of our obligations to our parents: love, respect and obedience. The conduct of Jesus towards Mary his mother, and towards Joseph who acted as his father, is an example that should be imitated by all. The fourth commandment also includes the respect and obedience due to those who occupy positions of authority, such as teachers, ecclesiastical and civil authorities, the leaders of one’s country, etc. BLOMMERS, Bernardus Johannes ( ) The Family Meal Oil on canvas 15 1/2 x 20 inches (39.5 x 51 cm) Private collection

2. Duties of children towards their parents Love: We have to pray for them, to give them motives to be happy and cheerful, and to help them within our possibilities, particularly when they are sick or old. Respect and gratitude: If parents have some defect or peculiarity, especially when they grow old, or if they do not behave properly, we have to pray, understand and excuse them, hiding their defects and trying to help them to overcome those defects, without ever making any critical comments. Due obedience, as long as their wish is not against God’s will. VON DEFREGGER, Franz ( ) The Happy Family Oil on panel, /4 x 10 1/2 inches (45.1 x 26.7 cm) Private collection

3. Other obligations of the fourth commandment The fourth commandment includes, besides parents, other persons to whom obedience, love and respect are due:  Brothers.  Relatives and friends.  Teachers and benefactors.  Pastors of the Church.  Duties towards our country and civil authorities. BERGAMINI, Francesco ( ) The School Room Oil on canvas 20 x 32 inches (51 x 81.3 cm) Private collection

4. Duties of parents towards their children Parents should love, sustain and educate their children: provide for their spiritual and material needs, giving them a solid human and Christian formation. In order to achieve this, they ought to pray for them and employ adequate means such as:  giving them good example, counselling them, taking them to good schools, being watchful over their friendships, etc. Once they have counselled their children, parents ought to respect and encourage their offspring’s vocation, both on the human and supernatural planes, when they choose their path in life. L’HERMITTE, Léon-Augustin ( ) La Famille [The Family] Oil on canvas, 1908 Private collection

5. To observe with love the duties of this commandment Observing the fourth commandment brings with it a reward: “Honour your father and your mother so that you may live long in the land that Yahweh your God is giving you" (Exodus, 20:12). God blesses with spiritual and material blessings of peace and prosperity. On the contrary, not keeping this commandment entails serious harm, not only for individuals, but also for the community. MENGS, Anton Raphael ( ) The Holy Family Oil on canvas, x 35 3/4 inches (112 x 91 cm) Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Resolutions for Christian life

Resolutions to move forward Examine your conscience to see if you fulfil your duties towards your parents, brothers and superiors. Pray every day for your parents, brothers and superiors.