F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH A STUDY IN HEBREWS Acknowledging The Ultimate Sacrifice 10:1-4, 8-18
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Do you think it is right or wrong for Madonna to use the cross image in her concert despite her explanation?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH NBC plans to air her concert in November, should Christian’s be up in arms about this?
Why is the cross such a moving, powerful image for Christian’s? F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH
Sgt. Rafael Peralta
He is a superior Priest He is a superior Covenant He is from a superior Sanctuary He is a superior Sacrifice F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH
DISCUSSION GUIDE 1.Why was the law referred to as “only a shadow of the good things to come”? (Heb. 10:1) It was a picture of the work that Christ would accomplish on the cross
DISCUSSION GUIDE 2.Under the Old Covenant, why was repetition of animal sacrifice necessary for forgiveness of sin? (vs. 2-3) Because the animal sacrifices did not offer remission of sin only reminder of sin. The sin was covered but not cleansed
DISCUSSION GUIDE 3.(Verse 4) spoke to the Hebrew Christians right to the heart of the matter of their heritage and belief system saying what their ancestors did for sacrifice was not adequate. What do people today often say when asked, do you think you will go to heaven?
DISCUSSION GUIDE 4.What is the significance of the phrase in (v. 8) that states that God had no pleasure in the Old Covenant sacrifices? God did not delight in the sacrifices themselves, He did delight in the obedience of the people
DISCUSSION GUIDE 5.What do the following passages teach about sacrifices and obedience? a. (1 Sam. 15:22)God delights in obedience not sacrifices b. (Ps. 51:16-17)God delights in a broken and contrite spirit c. (Jer. 6:19-20)It is a matter of heart
DISCUSSION GUIDE 6. What do (vs. 9-11) teach about the sufficiency of Christ? a. (v. 9)Christ replaced the old with the new b. (v. 10)Christ’s sacrifice is eternal c. (v. 11)Works of men can never take away sin
DISCUSSION GUIDE 7.When you contemplate that Jesus, the ultimate sacrifice, “sat down at the right hand of God” (v. 12) (completed work/royalty) and He did it for you what emotions do you feel? (Write them here)
8. (Verses 13-14) speak of the ultimate victory of Christ and His sanctified followers, how can you live like a victorious warrior on earth? DISCUSSION GUIDE
9. Through the witness of the Holy Spirit a believer can have confidence that his/her sins are forgiven and remembered no more. (vs ) Are you holding on to guilt associated with forgiven sin? How can you claim this promise of forgiveness? DISCUSSION GUIDE
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 10. Since your sins are forgiven how should this impact your daily walk? (v. 18)
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH LIVING IN HIS SACRIFICE Step 1Openly recognize wrong deeds to be wrong deeds. Step 2 Recognize your anger is not only normal, but necessary. Step 3Realize how ongoing bitterness will ultimately hurt you. Step 4Learn from your problems by establishing better boundaries.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Step 5Refuse to be in the inferior position and resist the desire to be superior. Step 6Avoid the futility of judgments, letting God be the ultimate judge. Step 7Allow yourself permission to grieve. Step 8Confront the offending party if appropriate.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH Step 9Find emotional freedom as you let go of the illusion of control. Step 10Choose forgiveness because it is part of your life’s mission. Step 11Come to terms with others’ wrong deeds by recognizing your own need for forgiveness. Step 12Become a source of encouragement to other hurting people.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 1.Which of the steps seem the easiest to understand and implement? 2.Which of the steps seem the most difficult to understand and implement?
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH In your group spend time praying about the following: Thank God for His sacrifice for you once and for all Thank God for the forgiveness of sin He provides Release any guilt for past sins Pray for the strength to live a victorious life this week
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 10 WAYS TO SPRING CLEAN YOUR LIFE 1.Clean out the anger, hatred, jealousy, and self doubt. 2.Move out unforgiveness, and lack of communication. Wash away delay and procrastination. 3.Dust off your attitude, and put on a fresh coat of positive.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 4.Throw out misunderstanding, and lack of patience. Sweep out the dirt of gossip or lies. 5.Recycle fractured relationships, roles, and routines that no longer work into a new, useable relationship. 6.Open the shades and let in the warmth of friendship. 7.Lighten up your thoughts with humor and fun.
F L E S H I NG O U T Y O U R FAITH 8.Give away as much love, help, care, concern, and gratitude as possible. 9.Paint in new boundaries, and stencil some raised standards. Based on the Word of God. 10.Open the windows of your mind to new ideas and a fresh perspective on living a happier, better, forgiven life.