The Prehistory IES “Ntra Sra de los Remedios” Ubrique-Cádiz 1º ESO A Bilingual Section Final Task
The Prehistory DEFINITION We call prehistory the period between the origin of the human being and the invention of writing, about 6 mill years ago. This period is divided into three stanges: paleolitic age, the neolithic age and the metal age.
PREHISTORY Paleolitic: lower, middle and upper. Neolitic: early, mid and late. Metal age: The Copper Age, The Bronze Age and The Iron Age.
The Paleolithic Period ETAPA CRONOLOGÍA R. HUMANOS Lower years ago H. Australophitecus H. Habilis H. Erectus. Middle years ago H. Neanderthal. Upper years ag Homo Sapiens.
INSTRUMENTS Paleolithic tools: rasp, harpoon and knife. Neolithic: scythe, pestle and mortar.
Palaelotic Art Art: Sculture (mobiliario): Venus and comund stick. Cave-paintings: Upper Paleolitic and Neolitic.
THE ECONOMY Predatory economy: when man lived off what nature gave him. Product economy: When man lived off agriculture and cattle-holding.
C. MEGALITIC Bronze Age: talayot taula naveta
C. MEGALITIC Iron Age: los castros
C. MEGALITIC Copper Age: dolmen menhir cromlench
Autora: Francisca Paredes Romero Can you wraytting: THE END IES “Ntra. Sra. de los Remedios” Ubrique Cádiz 1º ESO “Bilingual Section” Ciencias Sociales