Welcome and staff introductions Organisation and routines – school day Promoting positive behaviour – rewards/consequences Learning Roots and Golden Rules Reading Home Learning Looking ahead – future trips and visitors Helpers in school Any questions
Staff Team Class teachers: Miss Stang - Hawthorn class Miss Hudson - Maple class TAs Mrs Motton Ms Wessely
Organisation and Routines 8.35 Children welcomed into class- Change reading books, snack in tray, morning job 8.45 Register/ Start of learning Assemblies Break time/ healthy snack time 3.05 End of day – collection arrangements
Promoting Positive behaviour REWARDS Learning Route Stones (Marbles) Sticker Charts House Points Celebration Assembly Golden Time CONSEQUENCES 1. Reminder 2. Loss of Time 3. Loss of Golden Time 4. Behaviour log
Learning Roots Independence Reflection Perseverance Creativity Collaboration GOLDEN RULES
Reading Routine for changing books. Expectation is to read every night. Supporting your child's reading at home!!
Home Learning Term project Appropriate tasks depending on the learning objectives that week. Spellings –test on Friday Times tables – test on Friday Given out on a Monday, due in on Friday.
Looking Ahead Future topics – Stone Age to Iron Age, The Shang Dynasty – Ancient China, Local study Planned trips and visitors Exhibitions Christmas Tea Party
Helpers in school Reading Trips
Any Questions?