Progressivism Through the Presidents McKinley, Roosevelt, Taft, and Wilson
William McKinley - “Saves” the Cuban people. - “Acquires” the Philippines. - Annexes Hawaii. - Promotes Open Door Policy in China -Puts down Boxer insurrection. -Does little in terms of Domestic reform.
William McKinley Assassinated on September 14 th 1901 "Now look — that d*** cowboy is president." - Mark Hanna, William McKinley friend and fellow Republican.
Teddy Roosevelt “Square Deal” - Aggressive domestic reform policies
Teddy Roosevelt “Trust Busting” – By 1900, 4/5ths of all business was controlled by trusts. Sherman Antitrust Act completely fails, so its up to the government to step in. Roosevelt does not break trusts but reaches “gentlemen’s agreements” with those involved thus earning him the nickname “trustbuster”
Teddy Roosevelt coal minersIn 1902, 140,000 coal miners in Pennsylvania went on strike for: 1.increased wages 2.a 9-hour work day 3.the right to unionize Roosevelt called in both sides and settled the dispute. The federal government was expected to step in and help.
Teddy Roosevelt Railroads – Regulates railroads through Hepburn Act
Teddy Roosevelt - Antiquities Act: Establishes national parks such as Yosemite and the Grand Canyon and leads to the creation of over 50 wild life sanctuaries.
Teddy Roosevelt “Monroe Doctrine” – Adds Roosevelt Corollary declaring the United States to be in complete control of the Western Hemisphere. ▫Europeans demanded debt payments from countries such as the Dominican Republic
Teddy Roosevelt -Big Stick Diplomacy: -“Speak softly and carry a big stick” -Term applied to Roosevelt's foreign policy: -Peaceful Negotiations -Military Backup -EXAMPLE: -Platt Amendment -Panama Canal -Great White Fleet
William Taft Largest President Ever ▫Stuck in bathtub Didn’t want to be president ▫Wife and Teddy wanted him to become Pres.
William Taft Payne-Aldrich Tariff ▫Raises tariff rates which upsets many progressives. Begins attacking Trusts which had backed many conservative republicans. ▫Party begins to fragment Proposes 16 th Amendment ▫Income Tax Dollar Diplomacy in Latin America
Teddy’s Back Upset with Taft’s weak political stances, Roosevelt returns from Africa with a new political party and policy “Progressive Party” ▫Bull Moose Party New Nationalism ▫Federal Government help the People Women’s suffrage, workmen's compensation, 8hr workday, child labor restrictions.
Election of 1912
Woodrow Wilson New Freedom ▫Attack Trusts, Tariffs, and High Finance
Woodrow Wilson Clayton Anti- Trust Act ▫Companies cannot buy stock from another company.
Woodrow Wilson Federal Trade Commission ▫“Watch-dog” for bad business practices
Woodrow Wilson Passes 16 th Amendment ▫Income Tax
Woodrow Wilson Federal Reserve System - Creates 12 National Banks - Banks can issue money.