Greek Creation Myth Out of CHAOS (matter without form) came two beings: Gaea (Mother Earth) and Uranus (Father of the Heavens)
Their children were called the TITANS (The Tennessee football team and the Titanic were named after them.) The TITANS were: Oceanus and Tethys who ruled the Sea. Hyperion who ruled the Sun. Thea who ruled the Moon. Rhea who was the Great Mother.
Themis who ruled Law and Justice. Promethius- forethought (did not think things through) gave fire Epimethius- afterthought Mnemosyne who ruled memory. Cronus who was the youngest and the strongest. There was also 3 Hecatonchires (a monster who had a hundred hands) and 3 Cyclopes (who were one-eyed monsters). Total 15 children
Uranus hated all of his children, but especially the monsters. He sent the monsters to Tartarus, the underworld. Gaea asked the Titans to rescue the monsters but only Cronus helped. Cronus won, castrated Uranus, and overthrew him.
Cronus married his sister Rhea Cronus and Rhea had six children: 3 daughters and 3 sons. These are the Olympians because they ruled from Mt. Olympus The daughters were: Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. The sons were: Hades, Poseidon, and Zeus
Cronus, afraid that his children would destroy him like he destroyed Uranus, swallows all of them except for Zeus (who Rhea helps escape). When Zeus grew up he and Rhea waged war on Cronus.
Zeus battles Cronus and makes him vomit up the other Olympians. The monsters help Zeus and give him weapons. Cronus and some of the other Titans were defeated by the Olympians and exiled to Tartarus.
Zeus divided the world between his brothers and sisters. Zeus ruled over gods and men from Mt. Olympus His symbols were the eagle, the thunderbolt, and the oak tree.
Hades god of the underworld Symbols were Cerebrus (three-headed dog) and cypress tree
Poseidon god of the oceans, horses, and earthquakes Symbols were the trident, dolphins, and horses
Hera Queen of the gods goddess of Women, Marriage, and Childbirth Symbols: peacock, pomegranate, cuckoo
Hestia Demeter goddess of Hearth and Home -goddess of Agriculture -Symbol: wheat
Four Ages of Man 1. “Golden Age” The Golden Age was a “Garden of Eden” existence under Cronus: eternal spring, no work, men happy and good, no fighting, no poverty. 2. “Silver Age” Zeus ruled, was the beginning of the Fall of Man – seasons were created, work became necessary, hunger and cold began, shelters needed, men courageous but overbearing.
4. “Iron Age” 3. “Bronze Age” Men learn to use arms and go to war. Prometheus, a Titan, tried to help man by giving them fire. He was punished, tied up forever, and birds eat him constantly. 4. “Iron Age” Period of cruelty and dishonesty and abuse by the gods. Sinks into a depression.