Commander Mine Warfare Command Future Vision May 6, 2003
Winds of Change INCHON decommissioned w/o replacement –Ship of opportunity embarks on KEARSARGE, PONCE, CLEVELAND, GUNSTON HALL Organic systems progressing LCS is CNO’s top priority-MIW modules high visibility MH-53E’s under budgetary pressure Current Organic Plan Not in Sync with Sea Power 21
HSV HSV Provides MCM C2 Platform –Home for organic MIW capability MH-60 + RMS + UUV+USV Flexible Mission Packages –MIWC Embarked on HSV –Dual Crewing Maximizes Operational Availability –High Speed Provides Rapid Surge Capability Synergy in Numbers
Unmanned Systems REMUS operational with Navy Special Clearance Team ONE –Just completed first wartime deployment of UUV ONR providing BPAUV for HSV module RMS on track for DDG 91 (and LCS) LMRS on track for submarine applications Spartan Scout potential for unmanned minesweeping
CONOPS-Today FDNF supplemented by CONUS-based squadron staff MH-53s airlifted to theater –Shore based and/or lily pad ops –Ship of Opportunity MCMs self-deploy; MHCs need heavy lift HSV X-1 has theater tasking HSV SWIFT will be delivered Jul 03
CONOPS-2005 HSV SWIFT Provides MCM C2 Platform –Provides home for ESF organic assets MH-60, AQS-20, ALMDS, RMS, UUV, USV, EOD (RAMICS and AMNS IOC-07, OASIS IOC-08) –ESF MIWC embarked on HSV –High speed enables rapid deployment MH-53s airlifted to theater; based ashore or afloat –HSV supports AMCM 105 sled ops FDNF ships provide dedicated SMCM, supplemented by CONUS ships if req’d
CONOPS-2015 LCS hosts full complement of organic assets for CSG Multiple HSV / LCS support regional ESF deployments –Exploratory, punch-through, and covert MCM modules ESF MIWC embarked on HSV / LCS –Dual crewing maximizes operational availability –High speed provides rapid surge capability Synergy in Numbers –Could reduce requirement for dedicated AMCM FDNF SMCM still play role for large area clearance
The Way Ahead Continue support for dedicated force –MCMs and MH-53s indispensible Accelerate organic systems to support LCS Continue HSV experimentation Review optimal basing for contingencies and homeland security