Pennsylvania Value-Added Assessment System (PVAAS) Updates to Curriculum Directors September 2013
PVAAS SY12-13 Reporting Release Sept 18 th !!!!!! All Account holders received an
Agenda Items What’s Happening Each Month Keystone Topics New Currently Enrolled & GIEP PVAAS Pilot Teacher Reporting PSSA Science Assessment as Grade Level Assessment Scatter Plot Templates Support for Large LEAs IU Capacity Building
What’s Happening Each Month? October –116+ On-Site Fall Sessions at IUs Focus – District/School Reporting Four ½ day sessions being offered at each IU Registration is available now for IU5 –Webinars continue Keystone Reporting: Growth & Projections Introduction to PVAAS Overview
What’s Happening Each Month? November –On-Site Fall Sessions continue –PILOT Teacher Specific Reporting Released Nov 11: District and School Administrators ONLY –Webinars begin – PILOT Teacher Specific Reporting Preview of teacher reporting and summary reports available for administrators Six webinars offered
What’s Happening Each Month? November –Information sent to all PILOT LEAs – if need booklet
What’s Happening Each Month? December On-Site PILOT Winter Sessions begin –Teacher Specific Reporting for PILOT LEAs only –For PILOT district/school administrators and PILOT teachers ONLY –Two ½ day sessions at each IU
What’s Happening Each Month? January –On-Site PILOT Winter Sessions continue at IUs PILOT Teacher Specific Reporting Training for PILOTS ONLY
What’s Happening Each Month? January –Webinars – Preview of PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting for ALL LEAS 3 dates in January Anyone involved with PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting –Webinars – Account Management for Roster Verification Anyone overseeing implementation of spring rostering or responsible for PVAAS account management
What’s Happening Each Month? February –Webinars – PVAAS Roster Verification 8 three-hour sessions offered throughout the month Timelines, roles & responsibilities of teachers, principals, and district administrators Live guided tour of the web-based system Resources shared
What’s Happening Each Month? March –Face-to-Face: PVAAS Roster Verification 9 three-hour sessions offered at 3 PaTTAN sites Timelines, roles & responsibilities of teachers, principals, and district administrators Live guided tour of the web-based system Resources shared
What’s Happening Each Month? April 28- June 6 Roster Verification completed by LEAs Districts, CTCs, Charters (RTTT or optional) and IUs
Which students will be included in the PVAAS District/School Value-Added Reporting for Keystone exams? 16
Which Students are Included? Keystone Course Was the student enrolled in the Keystone related course in SY12-13? –1 st time –Retaking the course If yes, then the student took the corresponding Keystone exam during SY12-13 YESYES to both questions and the student is included in PVAAS reporting 17
What is a Keystone-related course? Keystone Reporting
Keystone-related Course Algebra 1-A Algebra 1-B Integrated Math 1 Integrated Math 2 Integrated Math 3 Keystone exams are end of course assessments A Keystone related course “triggers” students to the Keystone exam LEA chooses which courses “trigger” a Keystone exam Must be identified in PIMS as of SY13-14 All students in the identified course MUST take the related Keystone exam at the end of the course Keystone Reporting
How does PVAAS know if a student was enrolled in a Keystone-related course in SY12-13? Paper answer booklet –Bubbled Online testing –Indicated at end of assessment Keystone Reporting
Which Students are Included? Keystone Course Was the student enrolled in the Keystone related course in SY12-13? –1 st time –Retaking the course If yes, then the student took the corresponding Keystone exam during SY12-13 YESYES to both questions and the student is included in PVAAS reporting Keystone Reporting
Which Students are Included? No Course, Keystone Exam only Students NOT included: Students who took a Keystone exam but were NOT enrolled in the course during SY12-13 Students taking the Keystone during the summer testing window Keystone Reporting
Which Students are Included? Keystone Course + Supplemental Was the student enrolled in the Keystone related course in SY12-13 AND receiving supplemental instruction? If yes, then the student took the corresponding Keystone exam during SY12-13 YESYES to both questions and the student is included in PVAAS reporting Keystone Reporting
Which Students are Included? Supplemental ONLY Student was receiving supplemental instruction in SY12-13 –Was the supplemental instruction a Keystone related course? (Aligned to all Keystone eligible content) YES, then they are to be included in PVAAS reporting (LEA decision) NO, they will not be included in Keystone reporting Keystone Reporting
Letter to LEAs Sent Monday, Sept 16 to Superintendent/CEO –From Kristen Lewald, PVAAS Team –Letter cc’d to Dr. Dumaresq and John Weiss SY12-13: Receiving NO Keystone reporting in at least one Keystone area –Reason: 0 Enrolled or <11 Enrolled –Mismatch between # Tested –No PVAAS Keystone report in at least one area; NOT included in SPP SY13-14: Use bubble on booklet/online testing and PIMS Course/HQT file –If zero enrolled, ALL scores will be used!
PVAAS Account Management Use of PIMS Staff Template to create new accounts –Monthly –Open October 1 –LEA will still need to delete and modify accounts
Currently Enrolled/GIEP LEAs no longer need to submit files of currently enrolled students directly to SAS EVAAS These data files can be submitted to PIMS monthly See SY13-14 PIMS manual for details
Currently Enrolled/GIEP PIMS will send a monthly file to SAS EVAAS to update LEA reporting with currently enrolled students/GIEP Four weeks later the PVAAS Student Projections will reflect your LEA’s most currently enrolled students LEAs can submit to PIMS each month; this may be helpful for LEAs with high mobility
Which Teachers and When? LEAs that completed Roster Verification in Spring 2013 will receive the PILOT teacher specific reporting in Nov/Dec. –Nov 11: Release to PILOT District and PILOT School Admin –Dec 2: Release to PILOT teachers
Tab 1-Teacher who did NOT SUBMIT. Teachers who have at least one roster, with at least one edit to the roster BUT the teacher did NOT SUBMIT the roster/did not click on the SUBMIT button. The PVAAS teacher reports for these teachers will ONLY be released to the PILOT district and school admin - not directly to these teachers.(as long as the teacher has enough students on a roster AND the students each have enough longitudinal data to be included). The district and school admins can decide IF they want the teacher to have access to the reporting. –If yes, the district and school admin will provide that access. –If no, there is no need/reason to give access to the teacher to this pilot report.
Tab 2- Teachers who did SUBMIT. These are PILOT teachers who actually SUBMITTED their roster(s) in the verification process/clicked on the SUBMIT button. As long as the teacher has enough students on a roster AND the students each have enough longitudinal data to be included, the teacher will receive PVAAS Teacher Specific Reporting. The reports will released to their PVAAS account on Dec 2.
PSSA Science Assessment Teachers responsible for the content specific instruction of PSSA Science in grades 4 or 8 are eligible for a PVAAS score. The PSSA Science is considered an end of grade assessment - grades 4 & 8. The “grade/subject” that “triggers” students to take the state Science assessment in grade 4 and grade 8. PSSA Science grade 4 & 8 PDE Bureau of Assessment and Accountability has verified these are grade-level assessments.
HOW growth is calculated in PVAAS for grade 8 science? Longitudinal PSSA scores from Reading and Math + PSSA grade 4 Science score is used to yield a predicted score for grade 8 science - for each student in the student group. In other words—based on what we know about this student’s testing history in grades , what is the expected performance for grade 8 Science? What is their predicted score? PVAAS compares the average predicted score for the GROUP to the ACTUAL score for the group. If the group actually performed as predicted, you have met the standard for PA Academic Growth. If the group actually performed better than predicted, you have exceeded the standard for PA Academic Growth. If the group actually performed less than predicted, you have not met the standard for PA Academic Growth.
Alignment : Other PVAAS Teacher Specific Questions If a student has Alg 1A and Alg 1B, it is the FINAL course that “triggers” the students to take the state assessment. In this case Alg 1B is the final course. The same approach is followed for Science, grades 4 & 8. PSSA Reading - while K, 1, 2, and 3 all contribute to the entering achievement level for students, those teachers are not included in PVAAS reporting as we do not have a grade level assessment to yield a measure of growth.
Scatterplot PPT Template