Kelso High School English Department
Escape from Kraznir In this lesson I will: 1. discuss how to set out a script 3. plan my Day Three script 4. begin writing my script .
Activity One THINK-PAIR-SHARE How do you set out a script?
Let’s brainstorm How do you set out a letter ?
Activity Two 1. Read the instructions for Day Three from the Kraznir booklet. 2. In your jotter, make a list of all the things you have to do/include in your script.
Let’s check !
Activity Three Writing your script Remember to write the name of the character who is speaking in the margin Do not use quotation/speech marks Remember to enclose stage directions in brackets If you change location, remember to include a new scene
Script – a suggested plan Scene 1: At the side of the riverbank Scene 2: Planning what to do Scene 3 : Crossing the river Scene 4: Disaster strikes Scene 5: What happens next
Now you’ve planned, let’s write!
The purpose of today’s lesson was to: - discuss what features you would find in a play and discuss how to set out a script Plan and begin to write Kraznir Day Three.
In this lesson we have: discussed what features we would find in a play discussed how to set out a script 3. planned Day Three 4. started to write Day Three.