The impact of Regional Integration Processes and Initiatives on Customs activity Shamakhov Vladimir Alexandrovich Director of the North-West Institute of Management of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, doctor of economic sciences, professor
«Customs 5.0» (Kievan Russia, Muscovy, Russian Empire, Soviet Union) Management quality Digitizing (on line) Automation Integration (WTO, EU) Human capital Customs operations/ customs control Shamakhov V.A. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA
Scientific and educational system of the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA Shamakhov V.A. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA Consulting Focus-groups Public discussions Digitizing Technologies Innovation enterprises Bachelor degree Master degree Postgraduate study MBA Fundamental researches Applied research and development Research and Development ScienceEducation ExpertiseInnovation For last three years on a competitive basis the Institute has carried out a training of more than 4000 customs officials according to 23 short-term programs, including programs on customs logistics under the state contracts with the North-West Customs.
Key necessary changes Shamakhov V.A. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA Improvement of organizational and administrative activity To balance the excess managerial functions of the central office and the regional branches Implementation of the quality management systems (standards) Functional and organizational specification of customs authorities, assessment of the efficiency of their activity Horizon for changes planning
Human capital Шамахов В.А. - д-р.экон.наук, профессор, директор СЗИУ РАНХиГС The new approach to such problems, as: Personnel planning, professional selection and assessment of customs staff Staff Reserve and career planning of officials of customs authorities Personnel training management of customs in the course of their professional activity Legal framework of personnel management, its scientific and methodical, informational providing Personnel management style
Transformation of training system Shamakhov V.A. - doctor of economic sciences, professor, director of the North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA Long Life Learning From retransmission of knowledge to development of competences Electronic educational complexes Training programs focused on practice Design approach
Contacts You may find this presentation on the website of the Specialized Educational Centre in the Field of Customs and Foreign Trade Activities "Green corridor», North-West Institute of Management of RANEPA ( Шамахов В.А. - д-р.экон.наук, профессор, директор СЗИУ РАНХиГС