Video Production Script Writing
Writing the Content: Story- -what action do you want to have happen? -What do you want your audience to feel? -Do you want them to feel empathy? Anger? Or some other emotion? -Your short video must be about only ONE thing. Frozen (2014)
Writing the Content Outline -One or two sentence description of the script -Scene by scene. -This is often numbered. Treatment -Long narrative that describes the plot on screen scene by scene. Synopsis -Short summary of screen story.
Writing the Content Log Line: -One or two sentence description of a story.
Script -You will always need a script (how complete the script should be, depends on a number of factors). -The script describes what happens in the order that it occurs. -It does not have to be detailed. (for short projects). -It does not have to be in any particular format. (There are exceptions).
Script: Why you need a script: -If you don’t have a plan, you will waste time, money and tape shooting and editing. -You can evaluate a story before you shoot it. -The script can help get any people whose help you need on your side it will help you create a plan.
Script -A script is a work plan: -It helps you generate a schedule -It helps define a location (for shooting) -Helps you figure out your budget. -will identify any equipment/asset needs for your project. Casablanca (1942)
Writing the Content Script -I want you to use the A/V or Directors script format. -There are two columns: -Column 1 : Video -Column 2: Audio -The video column contains the Shot List -The audio column contains the dialog and any background sounds/effects -I want you to add a third column with a thumbnail sketch of the visuals in the particular shot.
Breakdown: -A detailed list of all the assets you need. -A list of all the types of shots you need (interior living room, exp. apartment, etc.)
Ambience: the feeling or mood associated with a particular place, person or thing. Exp. They used soft music and candlelight to give the restaurant a romantic ambience.
Natural Sounds (NATS) : Sounds produced by natural sources in their normal soundscape, the category includes the sounds of any living organism, from insect larvae to the largest living mammal on the planet, whales, and those generated by natural, non-biological sources.