Presentation of workshops on environmental sanitation for the 6th year Semester
Theme: "TSN. Sanitary inspection of entertainment and educational facilities "
1.Oznakomit students with methodical sanitary survey of cultural entertainment and educational institutions. 2.Obuchit methodical procedure sanitary survey of cultural entertainment and educational institutions. 3.Obuchit principles of current sanitary supervision of cultural entertainment and educational institutions. 4.Oznakomit laboratory monitoring methodology for compiling the report the results of laboratory research.
The student should know: - Ethical and legal standards governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment; - Features of the organization and conduct of sanitary and epidemiological measures to mitigate the adverse effects of risk factors on health and the environment. - Методики санитарно – г- Methods of sanitary - hygienic inspection of supervision and make appropriate accounting and reporting documentation.игиенического обследования объектов надзора и составлять соответствующие учетно-отчетные документации.
The student should be able to: - Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make appropriate accounting and reporting documentation. - Implement TSN controlled cultural entertainment and educational institutions; - - Perform visual, laboratory and instrumental research facility.Выполнить визуальные, лабораторно- инструментальные исследования объекта.
Institutions of art and culture.
Institutions of art and culture are placed in community centers in cities and other human settlements planning and residential areas in view of their role in shaping the architectural appearance of the community center and the city as a whole. The minimum number of seats and the minimum size of land of culture and art should be for major and large gorodov.Dlya small and medium-sized cities the layout theaters and houses students in city community centers.
According to the KMK "theater", the theater building premises are divided into the audience set of premises, stage set of premises, industrial premises and backup storage. In lavatories and showers for artists and theater staff number of sanitary appliances shall be: 1 washbasin 30 men and 30 women, 1 toilet for 20 women, 1 toilet and 1 urinal for 25 men, 1 shower for 8 people (for actors and stagehands). In theaters with the number of working women is not less than 300 is equipped with an isolated room for women's personal hygiene. Sanitary facilities for spectators is set at the rate of 50% service spectators - men and 50% of the audience - women. Number of devices in the lavatories is determined on the basis of: 1 washbasin per 100 people, one toilet for 100 and 1 urinal for 40 men (men's room), 1 toilet for 50 women (women's toilets).
All theaters allocated room for the doctor on duty and inhalation in the most accessible location for participants and spectators performances. The room doctor on duty must be medicines, tools and other equipment necessary for emergency medical care (gastric umbrella, a pillow with oxygen, tires and stretchers). The theater building is equipped with central heating systems, ventilation and air conditioning, domestic water and hot water supply, sewage, dust extraction.
Auditoriums theaters have a separate ventilation system or air conditioning system that provides the following parameters of the air environment in the areas of placement of spectators: for the cold season temperature C, air velocity 0,1- 0,15m / s, relative humidity of 40-50%; for the warm season 0C respectively, 0,2- 0,25m / s 45-60%.
Putting the visual and performing complex of buildings have separate systems of ventilation. For ventilation or air conditioning of the auditorium and other spaces used recirculated air (outdoor air supply amount should not be less than 20 m3 / h for 1 person). And recirculation air supplied to the premises of the theater building, cleaned of dust. All blowing holes in the auditorium equipped with regulating devices to change the direction of the air.
Heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration units are provided for vibration isolation and zvukoglusheniya. Heating and ventilation systems should provide the following rules of internal winter temperatures and ventilation exchanges. All the rooms of the theater must have natural light (exception - the auditorium, stage box, hold spaces, waiting rooms out artists on stage, warehouses).
Wet cleaning auditorium daily and at two performances and a large number of performances in one day - certainly after each performance. Upholstered furniture, draperies, carpets, rugs and upholstered barriers vacuum cleaners cleaned from dust at least 1 time in 2 weeks. It is advisable to equip the building of local and centralized vacuum cleaning systems. Wet cleaning orchestral premises and rooms the orchestra necessarily carried out before every performance, and washing floors - at least 2 times a week.
When the ballet rehearsal rooms equipped with walk-in closet with a number of individual lockers in the number of students. Current cleaning rehearsal rooms is performed after every rehearsal, but at least 1 time a day, washing floors - the extent of pollution, but at least 2 times a week. Spring cleaning is carried out at least 1 time per month.
Stage equipped with a mechanism that provides dedusting air. The maximum concentration of dust on the stage (at the time of the longest intermission, training curtain decorations, etc.) should not exceed 10 mg / m3 at 1.5 m above the floor of the scene. Sex scenes are washed with warm soapy water at least 1 time a week, as needed sweeping wet, but at least 2 times a day.
General cleaning of the scene produce at least 2 times a month. In the intervals when a change of scenery is recommended to humidify the air in the scene (eg, atomizer).In opera and ballet theaters such processing, such processing air is required. Current dressing room cleaning is carried out at least 2 times a week wet.
Sources of waste water and their features methods of mechanical cleaning wastewater. principle of the circular tanks device and small sewerage scheme Biological methods purify household wastewater. Natural and artificial construction of biological wastewater treatment. Hygienic requirements conditions descent wastewater. Methods of treatment of industrial wastewater. Principles of Operation zagnevatelya settlers. Evaluating the effectiveness of treatment facilities for technical and hygienic parameters.
"Summary: 1. "Health" under the guidance of prof. Demidenko NM T 2. Guide to laboratory work on communal hygiene Goncharuk EI Moscow 1990 3. Sh.T.Otaboev, T.I.Iskandarov, G.T.Iskandarova "Kommunal hygiene" Tashkent 2010 th. 4 "Kommunal gigienadan Amal mashgulotlar Uchun ukuv kullanma. " Edited by Academician Iskandarova TI T. 2006y 5. "Communal Hygiene" E.I.Goncharuk Kiev in 2007 I, II part
- GT Iskandarova "Regional san. gig. problems of protection of water sources "water inpatient population of Uzbekistan. T - Health rules and regulations of planning and building of settlements of the Republic of Uzbekistan - Sanitary norms of admissible levels of electromagnetic fields of radio frequencies - Sanitary rules of design and maintenance of cemeteries - Health rules and regulations and the optimum allowable building density residential areas of cities of Uzbekistan
- Health rules and regulations design of residential houses in the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan - Health rules and regulations setting up and maintaining public toilets - Hygiene requirements for institutions, organizations, companies and individuals involved in the disinfection activities - Health rules and regulations for the use of mobile phones - Lecture materials.
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