April SkillsUSA All-Member Meeting
State Competition This Week! Thursday, April 8 th (Leadership Competitions and Opening Ceremony) Another Advisor and State Officer Candidates leave by 7am to go to Cambria Suites 8:00am All SkillsUSA Contestants Report to Haley Hall with Remaining Advisors to do Registration Packets (66 Students) 8:45am Two Buses to Egyptian Theater 11:00am Advisor and 23 Students back to MTCHS 11:00am Advisors/Other Students eat lunch Everyone except OCC, American Spirit, Ms. Deitchler will go to Cambria Suites on bus (when these are done, bus will get them) 12:30pm-4:00pm Remaining students/advisors compete 4:30pm they return to MTCHS Briefing 7pm, Black Eagle Business: Comp Maintenance (6)
State Competitions (cont) 4:30pm Set-up for Friday April 9 th Friday 7am: Mr. Beebe and (6) CMT leave MTCHS 7am: Ms. Torek and ET (14) leave for BSU Bus? All others report at 8am Lunch will be delivered Closing Ceremony: Everyone needs to be at the Egyptian Theater by 6:45pm Friday Night
Dress Right! Thursday Not Competing White Shirt, Black Pants/Skirt, Closed-toes Shoes Thursday Competing Red Blazer, White Shirt, Black Pants is for: American Spirit (3), Quiz Bowl(16), Customer Service(4), Extemporaneous Speaking(1), OCC(7) Related Technical Math(12): White Skills Polo, Black Pants White under-shirts highly recommended
Friday Dress Friday (51 people) White Polo, Black Pants, Closed Toe Shoes All Competitions Competitions Not at MTCHS: Computer Maintenance, Electronics Tech All others at MTCHS
Advisor/Officer Meeting Next Week