The Soldier: America’s Most Deployed Combat System Product Manager Clothing and Individual Equipment Industrial Base Liaison Overview Brief 23 March 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

The Soldier: America’s Most Deployed Combat System Product Manager Clothing and Individual Equipment Industrial Base Liaison Overview Brief 23 March 2006 Lushana Offutt Industrial Base Liaison Clothing and Individual Equipment

Page 2 Agenda  Mission  New Initiatives  Industrial Base Liaison –What does it mean to us? –What does it mean to you? –Current Plans –Opportunities for change

Page 3 Clothing & Individual Equipment Optimize Soldier readiness by providing the most functional, versatile, and modern equipment Army-wide Mission Our partners in Industry must be successful if we are to be successful

Page 4 New Initiatives  Systems Integrator –Systems approach to development –Ensures compatibility across commodity areas  Configuration Management –ONE database for all info across locations  Quality Control Team  Industrial Base Liaison

Page 5 Industrial Base Liaison  What does it mean to PM CIE? –Internal resource –Historical perspective  What could it mean to industry? –Opportunity for change –Someone dedicated to answer questions and ensure communication flow –The function will grow/change along with the need

Page 6 Current Plans  Advance Planning Brief to Industry (APBI) –May 30-31, two full days, Old Town Alexandria, VA –USMC participation as well –Day one - Overview of each PM –Day two – individual sessions by commodity area –Space limited; 2 people per vendor; first come, first serve –Publish in FedBizOpps shortly  Industrial Base Database –On-line –Provide info on POCs, products, capabilities, interests, etc. –Information will remain confidential and for government use only –Password protected

Page 7 This is your chance to be involved, ensure we know about your firm, understand where we are headed and help frame a new direction within PM CIE Lushana Offutt (703)

Page 8 LTC John Lemondes Product Manager – Clothing and Individual Equipment Comm (703) , DSN Mr. Al Dassonville - DPM - CIE Comm (703) , DSN MAJ Lannes Williamson Comm (703) , DSN Ms. Sarah Morgan-Clyborne Comm (703) , DSN Mr. Barry Hauck, Systems Integrator Comm (508) , DSN Assistant Product Managers Mr. Dave Geringer Comm (703) , DSN MAJ JD Long Comm (703) , DSN Product Manager - Clothing and Individual Equipment ATTN: SFAE-SDR-CIE Beach Blvd Fort Belvoir, VA MAJ Robert Helms Comm (703) , DSN MAJ Shawn Lucas Comm (703) , DSN PM-CIE POC List

Page 9 Backup slides

Page 10 Align Capability to Programs Align Soldier Funding with Programs Deployed Unit Feedback Post Combat Surveys Soldier Needs CALL Industry Other Services Universities LABS CMTC/JRTC/NTC ITT Define Capability Battle Command Networked Lethality UDOP Enemy Locatio OICW Hands Free Stab Protection CVC Helmet Cordless Comms Heads up Display Nomex Coverall POL Nomex Air Supply Precision Navigation Language Translator Optical Magnification Pilots Helmet Survival Gear Immersion Coverall Data Manager Individual Weapon Advanced Combat Helmet Eye Protection Body Armor NBC Protection Static Suppression Occupation Protection Enhanced Lift SAASSAAS ICTICT RFI Process Validate d by CG TRADO C Forwarded to HQDA G3 for final approval HQDA G3 forwards to HQDA G8 for Funding Feasibility Final Addition to RFI List forwarded to PEO Soldier Institutionalization of RFI AirSS CDD MSS CDD GSS CDD Core CDD

Page 11 Non-Theater Distribution Unit Sets PM ~ 50 Suppliers Middle River Packaging Facility Coordination Teams Coordination Teams  100K Items / BCT  ~ 11 Million Items On-Hand  Over 50,000 transactions in 10 months MACOMs ARSTAFF Units PrioritiesResources TRADOC Equipping on average 5,000 Soldiers per week Fielding Teams Fielding Teams Fielding Teams RFI Operations Campaign Plan Master Schedule Units

Page 12 Average ~3,000 Soldiers per month Theater Distribution (1) Fielding needs coordinated by RFI Opns Cell (2) Equipment packaged per unit Rqmnts Baltimore, MD Middle River, MD Kuwait City (3) Equipment hauled to BWI (4) Commercial 747 to Kuwait (5) Equip trans- loaded to IL-76s MNC-I Baghdad Required to ensure we equip all Soldiers entering combat zone Fort Belvoir Unit Sets Suppliers PMs CJTF76 Bagram  Issue Facility in Kuwait  Liaison element in Afghanistan