Using Curriculum Manager in Schoolnet Create curricula and curricular units in Schoolnet, link with instructional resources, bulk import curriculum materials such as pacing guides, crosswalks, standards documents and unpacking documents.
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Where to Access Curriculum Manager Hover over the Classrooms Tab Click on Curriculum Manager
What does Curriculum Mean in Schoolnet? Hierarchy for Curriculum Management Curriculum: A syllabus covering an entire course. (Shell Or Umbrella) Curricular Unit: How the curriculum is broken up. This is typically a ‘bucket’ of time such as a marking period or month. Instructional Unit: A more granular component of a curricular unit. Lesson Plan: An individual lesson plan to be included in an instructional unit.
Hierarchy for Curriculum Management
Sample: Curriculum Structure
Curriculum Resources in Schoolnet Instructional Materials Tab Search for Curriculum
Let’s take a Look:
Overview Scope & Sequence: What the teacher is expected to teach. Assessments & Resources: Any assessments and/or lesson plans linked to IU. Standards: Aligned standards with the Curriculum-Curricula Unit-Instructional Unit-Lesson Plan(s). Linked Materials: All LP(s) linked to the IU.
How to Build Curriculum in Schoolnet In order to build Curriculum in Schoolnet, you must have the appropriate access. You must have Curriculum Manager. Classrooms Tab-Curriculum Manager
Options: Create New or Import File(s) Click “New”
Creating “New” Materials Select Material Type- Teachers can create up to Instructional Unit (IU); only Curriculum Manager can create Curricular Units or Curriculum.
“New” Curricular Unit Click “SAVE & EDIT” to continue
Remember: Hierarchy for Curriculum Management Curriculum: A syllabus covering an entire course. (Shell or Umbrella) Curricular Unit: How the curriculum is broken up. This is typically a ‘bucket’ of time such as a marking period or month. Instructional Unit: A more granular component of a curricular unit. Lesson Plan: An individual lesson plan to be included in an instructional unit.
Hierarchy for Curriculum Management
Linked Materials Tab Any Instructional Units that you have created or that teachers have created and shared up can be linked. You can link as many units as you want. It will take some planning to know ahead of time what you want to teach. To link- Click the “LINK” tab beside of each Instructional Unit.
Linking Materials Notice there is no where to link to Standards because they are linked in Lesson Plans & Instructional Units. Curriculum Units will automatically bring in Standards if aligned in those places. Click “SAVE” when finished linking materials.
Allowing Teacher Viewing Rights By default, the newest creations are listed at the top of your list. At this point, your materials are in DRAFT mode. In order for teachers to view, you must SELECT the material and CLICK “EDIT”. 1 2
From Draft Mode to Active Mode In the upper right hand corner, change status from “DRAFT” to “ACTIVE.” Click “SAVE” at the bottom right.
Materials Update The word “DRAFT” will disappear from the right hand side above the date. ****Repeat this process for creating the CUs for the other 9 weeks time periods.
Creating the “Curriculum” shell Creating the “shell” to house all four 9 weeks Instructional Units. Click on “NEW”
Creating the “Curriculum” shell Select “Curriculum” for Material Type and complete detailed information. Click “SAVE & EDIT.”
Aligned Standards Tab Since this is curriculum, we are hoping that the teacher teaches all 8th grade Math Standards.
Aligning Standards You can also drill down and select certain Standards.
Linked Materials At this point, you only have a “shell” called “8th Grade Math Curriculum” with only Standards attached. If you can’t find a CU or other materials created, make sure that it is in “ACTIVE” mode; not “DRAFT.”
Resources-View & Edit Change drop-down to “RESOURCES” RESOURCES include: ●Assessments ●Unpacking Documents ●Pacing Guides ●Lesson Plans ●Any material you imported
Filter by Clicking “Search Again” Keyword: Type the name of the resource you are searching; ie. “unpacking” Click: “LINK” Linked Resources will populate on the right hand side. Click “SAVE”
Controlling what Teachers teach: You can link CUs to the Curriculum by selecting Curricular Units Search for your created CUs Click “LINK”
Linked Curricular Units Now you have Curriculum with Curricular Units for each 9 weeks linked for your teachers to teach. Click “SAVE”
Searching for the Curriculum Hover over Classrooms Tab Click on “Instructional Materials” Select “Curriculum” from the drop-down Type: Name of Curriculum you are searching for in the “SEARCH” area Results should populate ***Teachers can search for any Curriculum that you have pushed out.
Taking a look at the Curriculum once it’s created
Bulk Import-Materials you already have for lessons Two ways to import files: ●Import as a Spreadsheet ●Import Files (easiest method) Select “IMPORT FILES”
Any materials upload as a Resource Complete Grade & Subject Click “NEXT”
Two Methods: Browse or Drag & Drop You can select one file at a time or multiple files/folders.
Uploaded files will show in window Click “IMPORT”
Green Check will appear: CLICK