NEW HANOVER COUNTY SCHOOLS BUDGET Budget Committee March 17, 2015
Meeting Agenda Current Budget Summary Revenue Estimates Request Summary Follow-up Discussion Overview of Special Programs Priority Schools Salary/Supplement Proposals Finalize Committee Priorities Next Steps
Beginning Budget By Purpose
Beginning Budget By Source
Operating Budget: County Manager to recommend between $2,640 and $2,700 per pupil Estimated Increase: $3.4 Million at $2,640 $5 Million at $2,700 Capital Outlay: $3 Million for each of next two years Increase of $250,000 Estimated County Revenue
Capital Outlay (see Handout) Category2015/162016/17Total Repairs and Renovations$3,738,500$ 3,529,500$7,268,000 Technology1,835,1004,104,6005,939,700 Furniture & Equipment304,175361,100665,275 Vehicles304,900187,900492,800 Total$6,182,675$8,183,100$14,365,775 Revenue by Source2015/16 Lottery$1,590,000 Capital Fund Balance Appropriation300,000 Child Nutrition Fund Balance115,400 State Equipment Reserve550,000 County Appropriation Request3,000,000 General Fund Balance627,275 Total$6,182,675
Operating Request Summary NHCS Charter SchoolsTotal Current Funding$65,940,358$1,938,751$67,879,109 Requested Increase$4,991,342$126,749$5,118,091 Requested Total$70,931,700$2,065,500$72,997,200 Current Enrollment26, ,784 Current Per Pupil$2,534 Estimated Enrollment26, ,036 Request Per Pupil$2,700
1.Cost of Testing Coordination: AP Salaries - $921,000 Elementary AP (25%) Middle School AP (35%) High School AP (100%) Testing Department Budget: 4 Positions - $312,000 Contracted Services and Supplies - $105,000 State pays costs of test materials directly Follow-Up Discussion
2.Nursing Contract: CY increase of $54,144: Cost Increase of $16,293 Added Part-time position charged to Head Start - $37,821 Follow-Up Discussion
3.Capital Questions: Furniture & Equipment Sent Furniture Detail and Photo of Reception Area Chairs Corrected Cost for Bellamy Furniture Technology: Phase II Computer Replacement – 2,546 computers Tech Plan for Phone Replacement Roe Renovations: Added renovation contingency of $250,000 for estimated project costs. Will finalize proposal before April Board Meeting. Bond funds are anticipated to be available this summer based on the cash flow needs we established Follow-Up Discussion
3.MTSS Position Changes: Background: Special Education CEIS(Coordinated Early Intervening Service) funded Middle School Interventionists whose use is no longer consistent with grant purpose. Middle Schools have historically been allotted a classified ISS positions, and now also receive a certified ISS position Virgo does not have either of these positions. Proposal: Consolidate and realign functions of current Interventionists and ISS Assistants for each middle school. The role of new position will align with the district’s research based Instructional Decision Making for Success, addressing both academic and behavior needs by providing specific, targeted behavioral interventions within the MTSS framework. Change will free up Special Education funds for intended purpose Follow-Up Discussion
ACES recommended Parent Liaison: While position would be a welcome addition, it was not included in this year’s request because they were trying to keep request a lean a possible. The Special Education Leadership Team is currently evaluating staff scope of duties to best support parent and student needs. DPI is currently in the process of developing a proposed job description for a Parent Liaison. In 2016/17, when CEIS Funding (PRC 070) returns to PRC 060 (ESEA Handicapped), position could be federally funded. Follow-Up Discussion
Magnet Schools – Additional Positions Gregory – 1 CRT, 1 Science and 1 Math, and extra technology Freeman – 1 CRT & 1 Instructional Specialist Snipes – 1 Dance and 1 Theater Focus Schools: Forest Hills – 1 extra focus position Williston – Extra technology Trask – 1 Project Lead the Way Position Virgo – Positions allotted by program rather than formula due to size High School Signature Programs 1 Teacher and $20,000 Special Program Allotments
Early Colleges: Most additional resources are grant funded Additional local funding for tuition and textbooks Isaac Bear ($73,000) WECHS ($27,000) Alternative Schools (Mosley, Lakeside, and Lake Forest) Positions allotted by program rather than formula due to size Additional Supply Allocations: Mosley ($20,500) – for supplies and program software Lake Forest ($5,500) – for supplies, workshops and parental involvement Special Program Allotments
Forest Hills: Extra Cost of Immersion: Splash Curriculum Support Cost (VIF): Purchased over several years with Salary Differential between Average Teacher Salary and VIF (Visiting International Faculty). Materials - Estimated at $14,000 for 5th grade. Some years extra teachers required to cover both Immersion and Regular Program for class size. Requesting 1 extra next year. Also requesting extra TA to insure all K-1 immersion classes have coverage Extra Cost of IB: Uses Focus Position as Coordinator $9,500 Annual Fee Start-up Professional Development – Requesting $19,000 Follow-Up Discussion
All Title I and current Priority Schools submitted consolidated budget plan for Title I and Priority funding. Each principal met with Dr. Smith and Finance staff to discuss needs and priorities. To be funded by Unit Wide Title I, State and Local At- Risk funds, and School Improvement Grant (SIG, Year 3) for Snipes Recommend funding at same per pupil level as last year, with cost reduction of $450,000 to Title 1 Note: Title I projected budget will be $1 Million less than current year without carryover, due to teacher pay increases and excess program costs. Priority Schools
Recommended continued support for Priorities I, II, and III to follow current year formulas of: Priority I: $750 per pupil Priority II: $250 per pupil Priority III: $100 per pupil Those schools phasing out of priority status would receive $15,000 for Professional Development to be approved by Dr. Smith Priority Schools
Priority I: Freeman, Gregory, Snipes and Virgo Priority II: Wrightsboro, Alderman, Williams and Williston Priority III: Laney, Holly Shelter and NHHS Phasing out of priority status: College Park, Forest Hills, Sunset and Winter Park Priority Schools
Teachers: With Governor’s Plan, cumulative increases over 2 years range from.3% (current step 30) to 20.5% (current step 9). All above 3% except current step 29 (1.7%) and current step 30. Those at current step 31+ received $1,000 bonus and are expected to receive again. Option 1: 9% Supplement for all teachers at steps 29+ next year. Estimated Cost = $100,000 (continuation) Option 2: 9% Supplement for all teacher at steps 26+ Estimated Cost = $120,000 (continuation) Option 3: $1,000 bonus for those at steps 30 and 31 next year (those without bonus for $1,000 raise) and continue to fund as long as State fund bonus for 31+. Estimated Cost = $241,000 (one-time) Salary/Supplement Options
Classified and Central Office not paid on Teacher Pay or School Admin Pay Scale: Last year received $500 Salary Increase ($50/month) All other State Employees (other than at Local Education Agencies) received $1000 ($100/month) Option 1: $500 bonus (to be paid in November) Estimated Cost = $915,000 (one-time) Option 2: $500 raise ($50 per month supplement) to match PY state raise for other employees. Estimated Cost = $915,000 (continuation) Salary/Supplement Options
Expanded Lakeside (Pathways Program) at Roe: Current Lakeside (Pathways) staff to be moved: 6 Teachers 1 Tech Assistant (Mosley to keep NCVPS Assistant) New Positions: 1 Principal (budget as AP because Principal allotment for Lakeside will cover higher level position) 3 New Teachers: 1 Middle School, 1 High School and 1 EC Teachers 2 Custodians 1 Clerical Estimated Position Cost: $386,000 New Requests:
Elementary MTSS Coordinators Included in Title I Plan for may schools Some school use teaching position of this purpose All school have need for full-time position to manage MTSS to free up time of instructional coaches and guidance counselors Cost of 24 Teachers = $1,464,000 New Requests
Technology Risk Assessment - $4,500 Auditors have recommended that we contract out a IT Risk Assessment, in compliance with NIST (National Institute for Standards and Technology) Recommendations. Assessment will identify and evaluation IT Risks, and offer control recommendation to mitigate risk. One-time funding Board Scholarship Expansion: To expand Board Scholarship from two $1,000 awards (renewable for 4 years) to four $7,000 awards (renewable for 4 years). Current scholarship process aligned with NC Teaching Fellows This program no longer funded by General Assembly New Requests
Review of Committee Priority Listing
Recommended County Request For Information – April 7 th For Approval – May 5 th May BA will include budget for capital funding currently available June Budget Work Session to Finalize Recommendation upon County Approval and State Legislative Changes Does Committee want to meet to discuss? Next Steps