Core Values of a Timberwolf Compassion Respect Integrity Responsibility
“I pledge allegiance…..” Students, please rise for the flag salute:
It’s Wednesday, September 10 For Lunch Chicken Bites Hamburger Deli Sandwiches Cheese or Pepperoni Pizza
What’s happening this week? Wednesday – Late Start schedule “A” – periods 1, 2, 3 Thursday – Den Time Schedule Patriot Day – wear red, white and blue! Open House Friday – Regular Schedule Blue Friday PE Clothes Distributed Jamba Juice This is Happy Cat Month! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Coming up:
Late Arrival Schedule A Periods 1, 2, 3 LATE ARRIVAL BELL SCHEDULE A Periods Den Time: 10:35-11:01 1 st Period Class11:05—11:11 ANNOUNCEMENTS 1st lunch (11:15—11:45) 2nd lunch (11:49—12:19) 3rd lunch (12:23—12:53) 2 nd PeriodClass12:57—1:56 3 rd PeriodClass2:00—3:01
Lunch Schedule For Late Start “A” Schedule 1 st Lunch2 nd Lunch3 rd Lunch 11:15-11:4511:49-12:1912:23-12:53 ArringtonFooteCleveland CookFranklinEdwards FlannigonGrayGese HallKingGeving KiefferO’DonnellJensen MathiesenSiesserKexel McCallValentineMjelde MooreWhiteRismiller Nydegger
When we have a signed student/parent agreement form on file. When we have completed the Digital Citizenship lessons. At the earliest = October 3 rd Until then, Laptops stay at school. Thank you – Mrs. Maurer and Ms. Lynch-Allen
100% Signatures = Doughnuts Congratulations to Mrs. White’s 2 nd period class – doughnuts will be here tomorrow morning!
Due to lack of interest, open gym is canceled until further notice. We can try again if more participants talk to me. Sorry.
Jamba Juice sales! Jamba Juice Friday September 12 th during all lunches! Strawberry whirl Caribbean passion Razzmatazz $4.00!!!
Food & Drink Reminder Jamba Juice must be finished in the cafeteria No cups in the halls or classrooms Thank you!
Mariachi club for 7 th and 8 th graders Are you a guitar player, singer, string or brass player that’s interested in learning and playing Mariachi music? Our Mariachi Club starts in October. Stay tuned!
“Seek first to understand and then to be understood.” --- Steven Covey QUOTE OF THE DAY 9/10/14
Have a Great Day!