OUR ALPHABET With the letter…. A pples=I like apples B ag=I have got a pink bag C at=Lucy hasn’t got a cat D ress=I’m not wearing a dress now
E lephant=Elephant has got big ears F ork=I eat meat with a fork G arlic=I don’t like garlic H at=Jack has got a red hat I ce-cream=I love ice-cream J am=I often eat strawberry jam
K oala=I like koala L essons=I have lessons at eight M ilkshake=I love milkshake N eck=Giraffe has got a long neck O range=I like orange juice P osters=I haven’t got any posters
Q uick=I’m quick R ice=George doesn’t like rice S ocks=Are you wearing my socks? T -shirt=She’s wearing a t-shirt now U sually=I usually drink fruit juice V iolin=I can’t play the violin
W ater=I drink water everyday X ilophone=I can play the xylophone Y our=I’ve got your pens Z ebra=I like zebra’s colours The end Rossana Vecchio-1°A