Trying to lose weight and still have fun? What is the best drink for a night out?
menWomen Fiber (g)3825 Carbs (g) Protein (g)5646 Total fat (g) Sat. fat (g) Vit C (mg)9075 Vit E (mg)15 Vit A (mg) Na (mg)1500 K (mg)4700 Ca (mg)1000
Nutritional Values for Liquors Unless otherwise stated, the following values include unflavored, distilled vodka rum, gin, tequilla, whiskey, scoth, congnac and brandy. Nutritional values are based on the percentage of alcohol, not the variety. CalsCarbsCaKNaSugar (kcal)(gm)(mg) 80 Proof Proof Proof Proof Proof Coconut Rum 42 proof Rum 48 Proof Flavored Rum 70 Proof Flavored Vodka 70 Proof Snapps 87 Proof
Nutritional Values for Mixers CalsProteinCarbs FatSat FatVit AVit CVit ECaKNa (kcal)(gm) (mcg)(mg) Coke Diet Coke Sprite Soda Water Red Bull Tonic Water Diet Water Ginger Ale Cranberry Juice Orange Juice
Nutritional Values for Mixers CalsProteinCarbs FatSat FatVit AVit CVit ECaKNa (kcal)(gm) (mcg)(mg) Pineapple Juice Lemonade Grapfruit Juice Limade Tomato Juice Pina Colada Mix Coffee Milk Strawberry syrup Grenadine Lime Juice
80 proof unflavored alcohol or 70 proof or less flavored alcohol with a 6 oz mix of: Water Soda water Diet tonic water Diet soda Coffee Lime juice A low calorie drink contains:
References Calorie King Wellness Solutions, Inc. (2009). [Interactive calorie counter that displays the nutrient values for food and beverages]. Food Database. Retrieved March 2, 2009, from USDA. (2009). [Interactive graphical and numerical display of foods/beverages and their nutritional values]. My Pyramid Tracker. Retrieved March 2, 2009, from