Approximately 40 total attendees (~25 in first session, ~15 in second session) Introductory remarks by Marlin Main topics: Mission Support Data; Bandwidth; Data Rate Programmable Broadcast Antenna Size Frequency LRD Content; VIIRS M Channels HRD Processing Software; IPOPP vs. IMAP Other discussion: Criticality of engaging customers/users Transition from POES to NPP/JPSS Summary
Transition from POES to NPP/JPSS Top Recommendations Recommendations: NOAA more fully engage users to give them more time to evaluate LRD options/needs Do not include mission support data in LRD downlink Drop requirement for spacecraft to service 1.0m receive dish LRD Downlink Frequency - Explore possibility of dropping center downlink (1707 MHz) frequency below 1690 MHz to avoid future interference with mobile cellular industry - In short-term move center downlink frequency below 1707 MHz to avoid current 4G interference Candidate LRD Content - Use the day and nighttime (Tom Schott) AVHRR baseline channels for LRD initial specifications - Conduct a final analysis of ideal channel combination for LRD
Transition from POES to NPP/JPSS Top Recommendations (cont.) Recommendations: HRD Processing Packages - Users prefer NOAA support IMAP vs. IPOPP software - Users need access to software and source code at NPP launch date - Users need consistency between local and global processing software - Users need user support for HRD processing software Look at X-Band service only - More fully evaluate pros/cons & costs/benefits of both X-Band & L-Band