James P. B. Duffy School #12 State of the School Address November, 2012
The Times They are a- changin’ CKPtnYE CKPtnYE
School Data Overview
NYSED Report Card \\s012s01a\School12Office\Duffy Dish\ \complete\Week of Duffy Dish.docx
School in need of improvement year 2 ELA SWD, AA, Economically Disadvantaged We did not meet AYP for two years in one or more of these subgroups Parental Notification
What we are doing about our NYSED Status RIGOR VIGOR Professional Learning Communities Clear Plan bringing to FULL implementation Monitoring our progress along the way
School 12- Putting the puzzle together State Assessments CCSSAPPR
Common Core State Standards state-p-12-common-core-learning- standards d=5014 Common core intro video
APPR (Annual Professional Performance Review) New method for teacher evaluation Focuses on planning, environment, instructional delivery, and reflection upon practice Based upon using data for all areas Infused throughout the school planning design
APPR Follows These Design Principles: Annual evaluations and observations for all Clear, rigorous expectations for instructional excellence, prioritizing student learning Process: Coaching vs. Evaluative APPR Framework encourages regular constructive feedback and ongoing development
A Framework for Teaching: Professional Practice Rubric Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities a.Reflecting on teaching b.Maintaining accurate records c.Communicating with families d.Participating in a professional Community e.Growing and developing professionally f.Demonstrating professionalism Domain 3: Instruction a.Communicating with students b.Using questioning and discussion techniques c.Engaging students in learning d.Using assessment in instruction e.Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness Danielson 2007 Domain 1: Planning and Preparation a.Demonstrating knowledge of content and pedagogy b.Demonstrating knowledge of students c.Setting instructional outcomes d.Demonstrating knowledge of resources e.Designing coherent instruction f.Designing student assessments Domain 2: The Classroom Environment a.Creating an environment of respect and rapport b.Establishing a culture for learning c.Managing classroom procedures d.Managing student behavior e.Organizing physical space ©2009 McKay Consulting, LLC 12
The BIG Picture Use of Data Work of PLCs Danielson Domains SCEP CCSS and RCSD Curr, Domains 1f, 2c, 2d, 3d, 3e 4a,b,c,d,e,f Collegial conversations about best practice 1.5, 2.5, , 5.5, 6.5 Built in assessments and progress monitoring for ELA and Math units
SCEP- School Comprehensive Education Plan Blueprint for the year 6 tenets Mental Map for Interdependence Created our school plan SBPT taking each focus area and fully developing an implementation and monitoring plan
EXAMPLE- VISION SCEP - vision concept to application \\s012s01a\School12Office\ \SCEP\LIVING THE VISION.docx \\s012s01a\School12Office\ \SCEP\LIVING THE VISION.docx Parent Letter
Facilities Modernization Plan In progress K in our temporary site location Small focused groups discussions about what is your vision as parents about what you want School 12 to offer for 7-8 grades.
Questions for discussion 1. What would it take for you to have your child/ren remain at School 12 for grades 7- 8? 2. What thematic or curricular focus would best meet your child/ren’s interests and needs? 3. How could this be supported by community partnerships? 4. What schools could you see as feeder schools for our 8 th grade graduates? 5. What ideas do you have to maintain an enrichment program for this level?
Working together we will achieve our goals - Break into groups with facilitators