Sungwoo, Lim CAD centre Sungwoo, Lim CAD centre Supervisor: Dr. Alex H B Duffy Dr. B S Lee Dr. B S Lee Supervisor: Dr. Alex H B Duffy Dr. B S Lee Dr. B S Lee Incremental Modelling of Ambiguous Geometric Ideas (I-MAGI) Incremental Modelling of Ambiguous Geometric Ideas (I-MAGI)
rpd99/sw/2/11 ContentsContents Sketching in the design process. Sketching in the design process. The hierarchical area of the research problem. The hierarchical area of the research problem. Definition of vague shape model (VSM). Definition of vague shape model (VSM). Usage of vague shape modelling (VSMing). Usage of vague shape modelling (VSMing). The composition of VSM elements. The composition of VSM elements. The mechanism of VSMer. The mechanism of VSMer. The formalisation of VrLMer. The formalisation of VrLMer. Research goals. Research goals. Future directions. Future directions. Sketching in the design process. Sketching in the design process. The hierarchical area of the research problem. The hierarchical area of the research problem. Definition of vague shape model (VSM). Definition of vague shape model (VSM). Usage of vague shape modelling (VSMing). Usage of vague shape modelling (VSMing). The composition of VSM elements. The composition of VSM elements. The mechanism of VSMer. The mechanism of VSMer. The formalisation of VrLMer. The formalisation of VrLMer. Research goals. Research goals. Future directions. Future directions.
rpd99/sw/3/11 Sketching in the design process The use of sketching. - fast expression of their early design ideas. - handle a vagueness of ideas for more flexible creativity. Sketching in the design process. (Pahl and Beitz) Clarification of the design ConceptualdesignEmbodimentdesign Detail design Sketching
rpd99/sw/4/11 Vague shape modelling (VSMing) Vague shape modelling (VSMing) Geometric modelling Line tidy2D Sketching Geometric model reconstruction 3D Sketching Hidden line construction 2D/3D shape recognition Symbol/diagram recognition Geometric model structure analysis Sketching recognition Vague shape modeller (VSMer) Vague shape modeller (VSMer) Vague relative location modeller (VrLMer) Vague relative location modeller (VrLMer) Detail design Embodiment design Conceptual design Classification of task Sketching Spatial arrangement Basic 3D Direction Analysis Location Constraints Uncertain Region Spatial arrangement & analysis Vague spatial relationships Combination Distance Direction Design environment support Interface Programming without Coding Retrieval by Partial Elements Retrieval by Image Universal Modelling Interface GUI builder by sketching Retrieval of design elements Front-end interface system Edge Analyser Vertex Analyser Line Analyser Surface Analyser Initial vague shape modeller Inference engine for vague shape classification Vague shape library (VSL) The hierarchical address of the research problem
rpd99/sw/5/11 Definition of Vague Shape Model (VSM) u Definition of Vagueness: Uncertainty about meaning and can be represented by a probability distribution over possible meaning. [Cheeseman, 1986] u Definition of VSM: An unrefined 3D geometric model which involves non-precise numerical and spatial value information, such as shape, size and relative spatial relationship etc.
rpd99/sw/6/11 Usage of Vague Shape Modelling (VSMing) Architectural design. Mechanical engineering design. Car / Ship design. - early design idea of building shape. - early design idea of spatial layout. - early design idea of mechanical products. - early design idea of spatial relationship. - early design idea of car body or ship hull shapes.
rpd99/sw/7/11 The Composition of VSM elements Vague shape modelling (VSMing) Vague shape modelling (VSMing) Vague shape modeller (VSMer) Vague shape modeller (VSMer) Vague relative location modeller (VrLMer) Vague relative location modeller (VrLMer) Combination Distance Direction Edge Analyser Vertex Analyser Line Analyser Surface Analyser Initial vague shape modeller Inference engine for vague shape classification Vague shape library (VSL) Main research problem based on exiting literatures Initial VSMer: 3D sketch recognition technique Inference engine: shape inference by enhanced probability theory within a VSL VSL: primitive shape library Distance: by linguistic values Direction: by basic six direction Combination: by Dis Dir Analyse & model the vague shape model by probability theory Can be adopted to Rapid prototyping during conceptual design stage Model & analyse the spatial relationships between VSMs as human cognition by linguistic values in fuzzy logic or uncertainty. Can be adopted to robotics’ spatial cognition More detailed research problem Formalisation of research problem
rpd99/sw/8/11 The Mechanism of VSMer Depth Z Height X OcOc Y Quantity: (D x W x H) Width c d b a g h f e R by R ty Z H X OcOc D W Y Quantity: (D x W x H) R bx R tx Z H X OcOc D W Y Quantity: (D x W x H) Initial VSMer Inference Engine VSL Input Output 1. Analyse a vague shape. 2. Calculate a probability based on VSL. 3. Analyse the VrL between VSMs. 4. Return the result to initial VSMer. 75% 50% 30% 15% Modelling / analysis of VSM Modelling / analysis of VrL 3D sketch recognition. Analyse the approximation of vagueness of rough sketch.
rpd99/sw/9/11 The Formalisation of VrLMer Combination DistanceDirection Far-from Adjacent-from Outer-junction-from Inner-junction-from Front Behind Above Below Right Left outer-junction Y Z X Z X far-from / adjance-from Y Z X Inner-junction Y max_Orth-dist max ave GpGp GrGr min min_Orth-dist ave_Orth-dist L VC r VC p H Orth-dist (Orthogonal distance) W As the result of the combination, “Object VC p is far from front of object VC r ” can be described as
rpd99/sw/10/11 Research Goals Development of modelling language which is suitable for VSM. Development of representation method which can support to VSMing language.
rpd99/sw/11/11 Future direction Development with Rapid Prototyping. Join with virtual design environment.