Inventory improvement activities & reporting for Ireland Paul Duffy
EPA structure nA full-time executive board of 5 Directors (Director General and 4 Directors) nEach director is responsible for one office Office of Environmental Assessment (OEA) Office of Climate, Licensing and Resource Use (OCLR) Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE) Office of Communications and Corpoate Services (OCCS)
Office of Climate Licensing and Resource Use (OCLR)
What do we report? nInventories for NO x, SO 2, NMVOC and NH 3 under NEC Directive 2001/81/EC for (and adjusted inventories to account for fuel tourism in road transport) nInventories for NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, NH 3, CO, TSP, PM 10, PM 2.5 for (and adjusted inventories to account for fuel tourism in road transport) under CLRTAP nInventories for 3 priority metals Pb, Cd and Hg and the six additional heavy metals for nInventories for Annex III POPs; Dioxins, PAHs and HCB for
What do we report (2)? nGridded data for NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, NH 3, CO, TSP, PM 10, PM 2.5, Pb, Cd, Hg and Annex III POPs for 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 nLPS data for NO x, SO 2, NMVOC, CO, TSP, PM 10, PM 2.5, Pb, Cd, and Hg for 1990, 1995, 2000 and 2005 nInventories for NO x, SO 2 and Dust under the Large Combustion Plant Directive 2001/80/EC for
NMVOC NEC 55 kilotonnes
Ammonia NEC 116 kilotonnes
Sulphur dioxide NEC 42 kilotonnes
Nitrogen oxides NEC 65 kilotonnes
Nitrogen oxides (adjusted for fuel tourism) NEC +4.6 kt+4.2 kt +3.2 kt +2.5 kt +1.3 kt-0.3 kt-3.4 kt-4.5 kt-9.1 kt-11.0 kt kt kt kt -8.9 kt -9.3 kt-9.4kt
Petrol price comparison Ire/UK - 43 % + 32% + 18% Price parity
Diesel price comparison Ire/UK + 23% + 38% - 34% Price parity
Estimated road transport fuel tourism
LCP Directive kilotonnes 50 kilotonnes
Recent improvements nEstimation of Emissions of NMVOC from SNAP Sector 06: Solvent and other product use (Ireland 1998). Clean Technology Centre, March nNMVOC Inventory for Ireland, SNAP Sector 06: Solvent and other product use 2000 to Clean Technology Centre and AEA Technology- NETCEN, November nIreland, Heavy Metal Inventories 1990, Clean Technology Centre and NETCEN, February nNational Atmospheric Inventory System (NAIS) Establish The Institutional, Legal and Procedural Arrangements Necessary To Compile Consistent and Transparent National Inventories of Emissions to the Atmosphere (Government Decision on 3 rd April 2007)
Recent improvements (2) nNew Tier 2 Ammonia methodology for agriculture (B.Hyde modified Misselbrook model, 2005) nNew expanded national energy balance from SEI (final balance available in October each year) nEPA inventory team have a new QA\QC system (for ALL inventories; GHGs, HMs, Acid gases) nAdditional resources for Projections (new staff)
Future improvements nInventories of Persistent Organic Pollutants 1990, (PCDD/ PCDF, HCB and PAHs) (recent call for tender, report due by Feb. 2008) nUse COPERT 4 for the next reporting round (for NEC and CLRTAP) nInventories of NMVOC emissions?? nNH 3 emission research results (2-3 years)
COPERT 4 v COPERT 3 for nitrogen oxides average 5.6 % higher average 11 % higher
Revision of the National Programme for Ireland nUnder Article 6(3) of Directive 2001/81/EC nFinalised in August 2007 nhttp://
NO x projections “with” measures 98,400 tonnes kt
NO x projections “with additional” measures 92,800 tonnes kt
SO 2 projections “with” measures 33,000 tonnes kt
NMVOC projections “with” measures 54,988 tonnes
NO x projections “with additional” measures 101,500 tonnes kt