Storyboard for How to Make An Apple Pie and See the World By Marjorie Priceman
Page 1 will begin, as the story, does, in the United States. Each story board will have text similar, if not the same, as the text on each of the following slides. Each slide will depict part of the story, especially those locations that are visited in the book. Airplanes, boats, and vehicle icons will also be used to denote travel methods. A little girl wishes to make an apple pie. Too bad the market is closed So, to gather all of the ingredients, we must set off on an adventure to get everything we need.
First, we travel across the Atlantic Ocean to Europe. Once in Europe, we will travel to Italy (good thing we brushed up on our Italian!) In Italy, we will be seeking out one of our ingredients….WHEAT!! Find a farm in the countryside (hopefully at harvest time). Gather an armful to take with us.
Next, we travel on to France for our next ingredient….eggs! The French raise only the most elegant chickens Coax the chickens to come with us. After all, the eggs are safer that way
After France, we need to travel to Sri Lanka, an island in the Indian Ocean, for yet another ingredient….cinnamon! The best cinnamon is made in Sri Lanka from the bark of the native Kurundu tree. Find the Kurundu tree in the rainforest and peel off some bark.
After getting off the island of Sri Lanka, take a ride to England. Here, we will seek out the important ingredient….MILK (TO CHURN INTO BUTTER)!! Ask a village cow to borrow a cup or two of milk. Or, even better, just take the cow with you!
Onward we travel, to Jamaica! A superb apple pie needs….SUGAR!! Find a sugar plantation and tell them all about your fabulous pie. Go into the field and cut a few stalks of sugar cain to take back with you.
We’re getting closer to home…let’s stop in Vermont! Our most important ingredient (I think so anyways) is the APPLES!! Parachute in to an apple orchard and pick 8 delicious apples (one for you, one for the chicken, and one for the cow).
It’s time to bake!! Mix all of your ingredients and bake
Gather up some of your friends…
And enjoy your pie!! Of course, pie is VERY good with ice cream on it…..