Somerset Academy, Inc. promotes a culture that maximizes scholar achievement and fosters the development of responsible, self- directed, life-long learners in a safe and enriching environment.
S-- Set high expectations O-- Objective M-- Meaningful curriculum E-- Effective R-- Resourceful and responsible life long learners S-- Scholars who achieve proficiency and beyond E-- Evaluate continuously and use data to drive curriculum T-- Teachers who are highly qualified
CEASELESSLY Adverb: Without stop or pause “So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.” THE GREAT GATSBY
No students are permitted on the other side of campus (IRSC campus) at any point during the day without permission (Before, during or after school-unless it’s when we kick you off campus) Only Dual Enrollment students are permitted on the IRSC campus If you are caught trespassing onto the IRSC campus you will automatically receive a Saturday detention This is your warning!!
Spartan Birthdays Happy Birthday to our Spartans! Chloe Royals Kelsey McNair Kacey Rigano Jason Cutts Micah Girdwood
All Basketball players! Please bring both your Practice and Game uniforms to Alan Souto ASAP!
EXTENDED FINAL DEADLINE TO GET YOURS: MARCH 19, 2015!!!!! PRESALE ONLY….. NO Yearbooks will be sold after that date. (For real, for real ) $ CASH OR MONEY ORDER $ CASH OR MONEY ORDER
Support Somerset College Prep. At Moe’s Night! February 24 th, :00pm to Closing time! At the St. Lucie West Moe’s
Duffys and Superplay Night -Duffy’s: Wednesday, February 25, 2pm to 8pm -SuperPlay: 2pm to 7pm (includes 2 games of bowling with shoes and laser tag) -tickets are $10.00 now and $12.00 at the door -Tickets will be on sale at lunch
Mets Stadium Night: 3/7 & 3/14 Need 16 volunteers each day: 8 on cash registers, 3 on grills, 5 helpers. 8 on registers need to be 21 y.o. to sell alcohol. Uniform: khaki shorts/pants, black closed toe shoes, and a maroon school shirt. Volunteers park in the employee parking. Manager/Banker and Cooks, be there at 9am. Cashiers and helpers need to report at 10am. Concession stand 1. Gates open at 11:30am If you are interested in volunteering stop by the main office and pick up a form, due 2/26. Form is needed for everyone volunteering. Parents/ students who are interested see Mrs. Hernandez or call the main office.
FEBRUARY 27 TH TO FEBRUARY 28 TH :00PM TO 6:00 AM Get your tickets & permissions slips in the main office! $10.00 in advance & $15.00 at the door
Spring French II Class Trip open to all – come experience Cirque Du Soleil in Orlando on April 18. Cost is $75 - includes ticket and bus Due by March 6 See Ms. F for permission slip
CUBAN PASTRIES AND COFFEE Pastries (Pastelitos) $1.00 each - Meat Pastries (Pastelitos de Carne) -Guava Pastries (Pastelitos de Guayaba) -Cheese Pastries (Pastelitos de Queso) -Guava & Cheese Pastries (Pastelitos de Guayaba & Queso) Cuban Coffee/Café Cubano (Colada) $1.00 each Only for adults (School staff/Administration). Single Shot of Cuban Coffee/Un Buchito de Café $0.25 each See Mr. Moe (Mr. Gutierrez) in room 105 for more details. -Small Cuban Coffee with Milk/Cortadito Pequeño $1.00 each -Large Latte/Café con Leche Grande $1.50 each
ATTENTION STUDENTS ACT TEST APRIL 18, 2015 LAST DAY TO REGISTER MARCH 13, 2015 You must see Mrs. Rains or Ms. Lucia prior to March 5 if you intend to register and want a Fee Waiver.
Miss Spartan Dress Out Month!
In APCC students will have the opportunity to expand their knowledge on Asian pop culture ranging from the art styles of “Mangaka” to the musical genres of Southern Korean and Japanese Pop A chance to communicate with people with similar interests as you Meetings will be held on Tuesday afternoons from 3:35 pm to 4:30 pm These times are definite every week unless advised otherwise New and Returning APCC members should attend to hear about the next upcoming volunteer opportunity Asian pop culture club! Schedule Goals and activities
Session 2—February 28. If you were unable to attend the first session, you may stay after on Thursday from 3:30 to 4:30 to go over the requirements and rubrics for the test prior to Session 2. IRSC professors April Van Camp and Steven Knapp will be in attendance this Saturday, and will be covering the topics of smoothly embedding quotations and effective transitions (both of which are key to scoring a 4 on the test). We will also discuss strategies for approaching the writing task on test day and complete a practice prompt. I’ll whip your weak essay into shape!
Spring Picture Day February 25 th 2015 Only the students who submit PAYMENT and COMPLETED FORM will be permitted to take photos If you DID NOT take a photo in the fall, please see Mrs. Roach BEFORE Wednesday Volleyball, Basketball, and Cheerleaders MUST be present and bring uniform for team photos.
In need of a committee of students for a project The project will take approximately one year, and will give you volunteer hours. This project requires one art student, one business student, one history student, and one tech student. The project is for the City and will not only earn you hours, but be awesome to place on your college apps, and will immortalize your name in PSL. See Rains
Drama Club Drama Club meetings will be held every Monday in room 109. If you are still interested in joining come to the meeting. (Members, please don’t forget to bring the donation fee in if you can.)
Student Government Association Spring Break Trip Spring Break Trip to Busch Gardens $100 for entrance to park and bus ONLY 20 seats available on bus. Cash or Money Order ONLY First Come, First Served- Permission Slip in Office Trip is on Sunday, March 29 th 2015
Announcements Class of 2016 Spring Break Trip London/Paris/Rome. Registration is now open 40 seats total—17 left open Tour Number: YW
5 Announcements Peer Tutoring Program: Mondays: English Room 103 or lunch Tuesdays: None Wednesdays: History, Room lunch & Math in Room 101 Thursdays: Science Room lunch Fridays: Spanish Room lunch After School tutoring: Math: Mondays Detention: Tuesdays English/Reading: Thursdays Social Science: After School By Appointment Sciences: Wednesday-
Spartans! Blue Bins, Green bins, and large blue “trashcans” on campus are for recycling only! Do not put trash in BLUE/Green recycling bins! Pick-up is on Fridays or bring full containers to 115 to empty!! Mother Earth thanks you!