Chairman: Prof. Shih-Chung Chen Presented by: :XUAN-JIA GUO Adviser: Prof. Shih-Chung Chen Date: Mar. 11, Assistance Eating Robot
Outline 2 Abstract Technology Overview Action Process Sub-Projects -Brainwave control Plate Assistance Eating Robot of Exterior Tested Data References
Abstract 3 Brain-Wave Control Robotic Movements Hands Visual Five Sub-Projects
Sub-Projects -Brainwave control 4 NuAmps-Electrode position interpolation points change Fig. 3 Electrode position interpolation
Sub-Projects -Brainwave control 5 Old-BCI Fig. 4 Old-BCI
Tested data 6 6Hz7Hz8Hz9HzAccuracy Subjects1 40%70% 63% Subjects2 50%30%50%30%40% Subjects3 40%60%50%20%43% Subjects4 80%100% 80%90% Subjects5 40% 0%30% Subjects6 70%50% 70%60% Subjects7 50%40%60%20%43% Subjects8 40%70%80%70%65% Subjects9 50%100%60% 68% Subjects10 60%90% 70%78% Average 70%87% 70%79% Tab.1Tested data
Tested data 7 6Hz7Hz8Hz9HzAccuracy Subjects1 40%70% 63% Subjects2 50%30%50%30%40% Subjects3 40%60%50%20%43% Subjects4 80%100% 80%90% Subjects5 40% 0%30% Subjects6 70%50% 70%60% Subjects7 50%40%60%20%43% Subjects8 40%70%80%70%65% Subjects9 50%100%60% 68% Subjects10 60%90% 70%78% Average 70%87% 70%79% Tab.2Tested data
Tested data 8 6Hz7Hz8Hz9HzAccuracy Subjects1 40%70% 63% Subjects2 50%30%50%30%40% Subjects3 40%60%50%20%43% Subjects4 80%100% 80%90% Subjects5 40% 0%30% Subjects6 70%50% 70%60% Subjects7 50%40%60%20%43% Subjects8 40%70%80%70%65% Subjects9 50%100%60% 68% Subjects10 60%90% 70%78% Average 70%87% 70%79% Tab.3Tested data
Tested data 9 Line chart Hz Accuracy Average Tab.4 Line chart
References 10 Cecotti H (2011) Spelling with non-invasive brain-computer interfaces--current and future trends, J Physiology-Paris, vol. 105 no. 1-3, pp Mcfarland DJ and Wolpaw JR (2011) Brain-computer interfaces for communication and control, Commun ACM, 54: Chen S-C, Hong W-J, Chen Y-C, Hsieh S-C, and Yang S-Y (2010) The Page Turner Controlled by BCI, IFMBE Proceedings, 31: See AR, Chen S-C, Ke H-Y, Su C-Y and Hou P-Y (2013) Hierarchical Character Selection for a Brain Computer Interface Spelling System, INTECH2013 (Accepted) Duffy FH and H Als (2012) A stable pattern of EEG spectral coherence distinguishes children with autism from neuro-typical controls - a large case control study, BMC Med, 10:
References 11 H. Cecotti, “Spelling with non-invasive brain-computer interfaces--current and future trends,” Journal of Physiology - Paris, vol. 105 no. 1-3, pp , F.-B. Vialatte, et al., “Steady-state visually evoked potentials: Focus on essential paradigms and future perspectives,” Progress in Neurobiology, vol. 90, no. 4, pp , “The Fundamentals of FFT-Based Signal Analysis and Measurement in LabVIEW and LabWindows/CVI” National Instruments, [Online]Available: [Accessed: 3 September 2013]. S.-C. Chen, A.R. See, Y.-J. Chen, et al. “The Use of a Brain Computer Interface Remote Control to Navigate a Recreational Device,” Mathematical Problems in EngineeringVolume, Vol. 2013, S.-C. Chen, A.R. See, C.-H. Yeng, et al. “Recreational Devices Controlled Using an SSVEP-based Brain Computer Interface (BCI),” Innovation, Communication and Engineering, pp , 2013.