GOALS DURING CST Develop as competent doctors in accordance with “Good Medical Practice” Develop clinical competences Develop technical / surgical competencies Develop an understanding of research and audit Develop a sound knowledge base
KNOWLEDGE BASE Basic medical science knowledge sufficient to support surgical practice and literature relevant to surgical practice An understanding of the scope of each surgical speciality An understanding of how surgical practice interacts with other healthcare disciplines To meet ISCP requirements.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FORMAL JD TRAINING Four hours per week Excludes Operative teaching Operative teaching “On the job” learning “On the job” learning Personal study Personal study
RESOURCES AVAILABLE Local Formal local teaching sessions / seminars Formal local teaching sessions / seminars Clinical Meetings eg MDT, X-Ray meetings, pathology meetings Clinical Meetings eg MDT, X-Ray meetings, pathology meetings Grand rounds Grand rounds Ad hoc teaching on a specific topic Ad hoc teaching on a specific topicRegional Regional teaching sessions Regional teaching sessions Regional national courses Regional national courses
EDUCATIONAL LOG WEEKY LOG OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY - NAME…………WEEK BEGINNING……. FORMAL EDUCATION AT LOCAL HOSPITAL - TOTAL FOR WEEK…………… INFORMAL EDUCATION AT LOCAL HOSPITAL - TOTAL FOR WEEK……………. ATTENDANCE AT REGIONAL TEACHING DAYS - TOTAL FOR WEEK……………. ATTENDANCE AT OTHER COURSES / EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES OUTSIDE LOCAL HOSPITAL - TOTAL FOR WEEK……………. Date, Duration, Type, Topic, Learning Objectives Achieved FURTHER NOTES ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………… I CONFIRM THAT THIS IS AN ACCURATE RECORD - TRAINEE SIGNATURE……………………………DATE……………………………….....
SUMMARY SHEET SUMMARY OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY NAME………………………………………………………………………………….. SUMMARY PERIOD FROM …………………TO…………………………………... NUMBER OF WEEKS………………………………………………………………… TOTAL HOURS OF EDUCATION OVER PERIOD………………………………… FORMAL LOCAL EDUCATION…………………………….. INFORMAL LOCAL EDUCATION………………………….. REGIONAL TEACHING DAYS……………………………… OTHER COURSES …………………………………………… DETAILS OF OTHER COURSES ATTENDED …………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………….. AVERAGE WEEKLY HOURS OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY…………………... ADDITIONAL COMMENT ………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………. I CONFIRM THAT THE ABOVE IS AN ACCURATE RECORD. TRAINEE SIGNATURE…………………..NAME………………………DATE ……………… EDUCATIONAL SUPERVISOR SIGNATURE…………………..NAME……………………….DATE……………….
CST REGIONAL TEACHING Monthly teaching days orientated towards basic medical sciences Monthly teaching days orientated towards specialities
BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES Cardiovascular, respiratory and renal physiology Renal / endocrine physiology, diabetes and nutrition Vascular surgery Anatomy review session (2 days) Microbiology Wounds and their healing Obtaining consent – principles and practice Clinical Governance and Critical incidents How stuff works Research methodology
CLINICAL SCIENCES Managing the emergency surgical patient Principles of management of orthopaedic trauma Plastic Surgery Cardiothoracic Surgery Paediatric Surgery ENT / Maxillofacial NeurosurgeryUrology Pancreatic / Hepatic Vascular surgery / Basics of transplant surgery.
WHO SHOULD ATTEND WHAT MRCS A – Basic Medical Sciences usually greatest weakness MRCS B – BMS still important but clinical sciences increasingly important. Particular personal interests.
FAILURE TO ATTEND Lack of an adequate educational log will be noted on ARCP review Failure of exams or other evidence of inadequate knowledge base Miss out on valuable education
DIFFICULTIES WITH ATTENDANCE Review your own efforts! Discuss with AES Discuss with Surgical Tutor Consider discussion with Postgraduate Clinical Tutor Discuss with CST Committee Member
DIARY DATES BASIC MEDICAL SCIENCES 23 rd September - Mr Brett - Halton Hospital Cardiorespiratory physiology 20 th October - Mr Brett - Halton Hospital Renal Endocrine Physiology CLINICAL SCIENCES 4 th October - Mr Ward- Aintree Hospitals Managing the Emergency Surgical Patient
REGISTRATION – FEEDBACK - PROBLEMS Lucie Barnes at the Deanery will circulate programme, dates, Educational Log etc Please notify of your intention to attend: Feedack on teaching will be requested Problems –