Slide 1 A Synthesis of Community Data and Modeling for Advancing River Basin Science: The Evolving Susquehanna River Basin Experiment Proposed Project Schedule: 12/1/06-11/30/08 PI’s: Chris Duffy, Patrick Reed, and Kevin Dressler The Pennsylvania State University
Slide 2 Project Goal (1): Characterizing the Active Zone “ACTIVE ZONE” Hypothesis: –Local watershed control volume –3 partitions 1) Land surf to atm 2) Transition zone (near surface processes in canopy, root zone, etc). 3) Regolith from land surface to subsurface boundary layer (SBL) –SBL analogous to atm Effective depth (major unknown) Feels surface water/energy fluxes Operates at relevant time-scales
Slide 3 Project Goal (2): Unification of Modeling, Digital Data, and Experimentation Observatory Network Design Needs: –Must confront the tradeoffs between economic constraints, performance objectives, and scientific knowledge gaps –Gap analysis requires the unification of Multi-scale predictive modeling Digital data resources Innovative data collection strategies We are seeking to unify several existing efforts –PIHM –SRB Geodatabase –Real-Time Hydrologic Monitoring Network (RTH_Net)
Slide 4 Major Research Components Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model –Finite volume, irregular mesh simulation –Fully coupled process formulation –Developed for platform independence and open source SRB Geodatabase –Finalized ESRI Geodatabase for entire basin –Soils, DEM, land cover, vegetation, etc. –Will provide FTP access in the near term Real-Time Hydrologic Monitoring Network (RTH_Net) –Exploring real-time “Active Zone” experimentation –Developing real-time multi-state water cycle observations