Puberty: The Wonder Years Wendy L Sellers RN Over the next few weeks, we will be talking about a stage in life called puberty. If you attended the 4th grade in Brookings School District you learned a little about this subject. This year we will build on what you learned from last year. I’ll refresh your memory, puberty is when you grow from a child into an adult.We are going to cover some of the topics this year but in more detail. Some of the topics may make you feel uncomfortable . This is normal, but to make it easier, it is important to follow some rules in the classroom. Some of your parents may have talked with you about this already. 5th grade Lesson 1
Treat the subject seriously. Use humor appropriately. To make it easier for discussions in the classroom, it is important to follow some rules: Treat the subject seriously. Use humor appropriately. Use the correct terms for body parts & functions. Respect other people & their ideas. No gossiping. Avoid personal questions & stories. Ask questions; questions are good. There are two situations when he/she will have to talk about what is said in order to get help. 1. If someone tells about something that could hurt him or her. 2. If someone tells about something that could hurt someone else. It is illegal for a teacher to keep these types of situations a secret. I will talk to someone whose job it is to help in these types if situations. There are 2 situations that I will talk to other people about. See above. If someone… It would be illegal for me to keep these a secret. I will talk to someone whose job it is to help these types of situations. 5th grade Lesson 1 (B-1 pg 11)
You, Your Body and Puberty Video Let’s watch a video that talks about how it feels to grow up as a female & male. It will explain some of the changes that will take place in girls & boys. It is called “We’re Growing Up.” Show the video. Ask if there are any questions or comments? Clarify confusing topics. Tell the students individual differences are normal. Emphasize the important responsibility of taking care of their bodies. A big part of the changes during puberty is the development of the reproductive system. Just because a person’s body is capable of making a baby does not mean he or she is ready to be a parent. You have a lot of growing and learning to do before you will be ready to be responsible for a baby. Remember you can always talk to your parents of other adults you trust if you ever have a questions or want more information about the changes you go through as you grow up. 5th grade Lesson 2 (B-3 pg 38-40)
Female Reproductive System Terminology Anus-opening from which feces leave the body Bladder- holds urine it is not part of the reproductive system Cervix – Narrow end of the uterus that opens into the vagina Fallopian tube-two tubes through which an egg cell travels from an ovary to the uterus Labia-folds of skin on either side of the vagina Ovaries-organs where egg cells and female sex hormones are produced Urethra-tube through which urine in females, in males urine or sperm exits the body Uterus-pear-shaped reproductive organ in which the baby grows and develops until birth Vagina-passage between the uterus and the outside of the body Vulva-area between a female’s legs
Females Have three openings for excreting waste and for reproduction. The front opening between the legs is the urethra, where urine is exits. The middle opening is the vagina, where menstrual flow or a baby exits. The back opening is the anus, where feces exits. Show the torso or overhead. It is important for girls to wipe themselves from the front to the back after going to the bathroom. This prevents germs from the anus being wiped into the vagina and urethra.
Menstruation Is one of the normal changes that takes place in girls as they go through puberty. It is a clear sign that a girl is growing into a woman. Once a girl begins menstruating, she knows that her body is prepared to have a baby at some time in the future if she decides to have children. It is important to wait until she is an adult, has accomplished her goals for her education, and is ready to accept the life-long responsibility for raising a child. It is important for boys to wait to be a parent for the same reasons. Let’s learn more about what happens inside a girl’s or women’s Body during her menstrual cycle or period or menses. 5th grade Lesson 2 B-4 pg 49.
Distribute student activity sheet: “Ovulation and Menstruation” Display transparency “Ovulation and Menstruation” Have students get out red pink and blue color crayons or markers; complete worksheets to match transparency. Days 1-7 The menstrual flow, also called menses or a period, begins and usually lasts from three to seven days. The lining of the uterus thins. Color a red flow exiting the vagina. Days 7-14 The lining of the uterus begins to get thicker. Color a pink thin lining in the uterus. Day 14 An ovum (human egg cell) is released from one of the ovaries. Make a blue dot in 1 of the ovaries, then 1 inside of the Fallopian tube Days 14-17 The ovum travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If it is not fertilized it dies and passes out of the body. Make a of blue dots traveling down the Fallopian tube, uterus & exit the vagina Days 14-28 The lining of the uterus continues to thicken. Color the pink lining in the uterus to make it thicker. Day 1 The menstrual flow begins again, the lining of the uterus thins, the whole cycle repeats.
Ovulation and Menstruation Color a red flow exiting the vagina. Color a pink thin lining in the uterus. Make a blue dot in one of the ovaries, then in just inside the Fallopian tube. Make a series of blue dots traveling down the Fallopian tube, through the uterus and out the vagina. Color the pink lining of the uterus to make it thicker. Distribute student activity sheet: “Ovulation and Menstruation” Display transparency “Ovulation and Menstruation” Have students get out red pink and blue color crayons or markers; complete worksheets to match transparency. Days 1-7 The menstrual flow, also called menses or a period, begins and usually lasts from three to seven days. The lining of the uterus thins. Color a red flow exiting the vagina. Days 7-14 The lining of the uterus begins to get thicker. Color a pink thin lining in the uterus. Day 14 An ovum (human egg cell) is released from one of the ovaries. Make a blue dot in 1 of the ovaries, then 1 inside of the Fallopian tube Days 14-17 The ovum travels down the fallopian tube to the uterus. If it is not fertilized it dies and passes out of the body. Make a of blue dots traveling down the Fallopian tube, uterus & exit the vagina Days 14-28 The lining of the uterus continues to thicken. Color the pink lining in the uterus to make it thicker. Day 1 The menstrual flow begins again, the lining of the uterus thins, the whole cycle repeats. 5th grade Lesson 2 (B-4 pg 50)
Things you should know The amount of blood loss during each period is only 2-6 ounces. Menstruation does not hurt. During menstruation, a girl can do any activities she normally does. When discussing menstruation girls and boys should display maturity and sensitivity. Show glass with 2 – 6 ounces. It looks like there is more blood lost during menstruation than there really is. Some girls and women have cramps or other premenstrual symptoms. Each individual is different. During menstruation you can do any activity you want. Most girls and women have a period once a month from the time of puberty until around age 50 (except during pregnancy). After that, eggs are no longer released and a woman cannot have babies anymore. 5th grade Lesson 2 (B-4 pg 51)
More things girls should know Exercising or swimming during menstruation is fine. The decision about whether to use a sanitary napkins or tampons or both is up to each person & your mom. Sanitary napkins and tampons should be changed at least every 4 hours or every time you go to the bathroom. Teachers, parents and other adults are ready to help with questions and problems. Until a girl is able to use a tampon, she will not want to swim during the days she has heavier flow. It might be easier to start with napkins and try tampons later once you are comfortable with your menstrual cycle and your body. A girl will need to wash her vulva and change sanitary pads frequently during menstruation in order to stay clean and avoid a noticeable menstrual odor. Typically, young girls are very anxious about the possibility of menstruation beginning unexpectedly while at school. There are sanitary items available in the nurse’s office if the unexpected happens. 5th grade lesson 2 (B-4 pg 52)
Puberty Pointers for Girls Reduce body and foot odor. Bathe or shower daily. Use underarm deodorant & antiperspirant daily. Change clothes daily. Understand that people of various cultures have differing practices and opinions regarding body odors. Care for skin. Keep skin clean. Drink plenty of water. Ask parents about the use of acne medications. Keep hair clean and off the forehead. Change and wash the pillowcase regularly.
Puberty Pointers for Girls Keep hair healthy. Shampoo frequently enough to keep it from being oily. Brush and/or comb hair daily. Know how to handle cramps. Not everyone has them. Exercise can help. Warm bath or heating pad. Medication can relieve cramps.
Puberty pointers for girls Be prepared for menstruation. Keep track of your periods on a calendar. Carry a pad in purse or backpack a couple days before you expect your period. Carry change in case you need to buy sanitary products. Change pads every few hours as needed. Do NOT flush pads throw in waste basket. Shower or bathe daily.
Puberty Pointers for Girls Recognize normal vaginal secretions. A clear odorless discharge is normal at times during the month. Do not douche or put deodorant in the vagina. The vagina is self cleaning. Avoid vaginal infections. Any discharge that is colored, strong odor, or itches call a doctor. Always wipe from front to the back. Wash your hands before and after changing your pad. Wear cotton underwear. Bubble bath is irritating for some girls and should be avoided.
Puberty Pointers for Girls Anticipate crushes. It is normal for boys & girls to have crushes on people they find attractive. When this happens, you might want to be near them, feel self-conscious & embarrassed. Most people have many crushes before they meet someone they fall in love with. Sometimes people feel admiration for someone older, like a teacher. This is normal you are not required to act on feelings.
Puberty Pointers for Girls Understand curiosity. During puberty, curiosity about the other sex increases. Remember: no one has the right to touch another person without his/her permission. Each person must keep his/her hands off others as a sign of respect for the other person. If anyone touches you in an inappropriate way, tell someone, so help can be obtained.
Puberty Pointers for Girls Form Healthy Relationships. With people of both genders so you can know people as individuals. With people of all ages so you can learn how to relate to a variety of people. With people of different races, cultures, abilities, & interests. You will learn about yourself and about others.
Talking with parents or other caring adults Your parents once were your age They love you Might be too embarrassed Ways that might make it easier to talk Your parent probably know a lot about how it feels to be a student your age, since they were one, too. They wondered about the same things that may worry you– things like acne, body odor, and friends. They asked themselves the same questions: “will people like me?”’ when will I start to grow” and why do my moods change so much?” Your parents love you & want to help you in any way they can. They probably want to talk to you about the things that are going on in your life. Even if it feels uncomfortable at times, it is worth the effort to go to them for help and information. People may giggle, laugh, get quiet, change the subject, or turn red when embarrassed. But that doesn’t mean they don’t want to talk about these things with you. Let’s think of ways to make it easier to talk with a parent or other trusted adult. Class Assignment: Pair students & ask them to think of one way to talk to your parents. Example: Suggest a time or place to talk, or describe a way to begin a discussion. In two minutes I will ask you to share your ideas. 5th grade Lesson 1 (B-1 pg 13-14) 6 min.
Ways to Talk to Parents Convenient time Get comfortable talking Get to know your parents Talk about what you have done together Ask what it was like when they were growing up. Pick a convenient time to talk. Get comfortable talking about day-to-day events. That makes it easier to talk about personal things later. Ask your parents about feelings, ideas, & goals. Get to know them. Talk about an activity you have done together. Ask your parents what they remember about growing up: such as friends, growth spurts, embarrassing events, clothing styles, interests, likes & dislikes, & house rules. Remember, its OK to feel embarrassed. Distribute homework: Family Activity Sheet, “Let’s Talk: What It Was Like for You” Opening lines: “You will never believe what I heard today. Is it true that.” “Some of the kids at school were talking _________” 5th grade Lesson 1 (B-1 pg 11)
5th Grade Lesson Girls Teaching Materials Power point Video Transparencies Female torso Color pencils (students) red, pink, blue Student copies of: Let’s Talk: What it Was Like for You Growing & Changing Female Reproductive system Ovulation & Menstruation Puberty Pointers for Girls Activity 1: Female reproduction terminology; female torso model. Activity 2: Video You, “Your Body and Puberty”. Activity 3: Ovulation and Menstruation worksheet. Activity 4: Ways to Talk to your Parents. Distribute: Family Activity Sheet, “Let’s Talk: What it Was Like for You”, Family Partnership Flyer, “Growing & changing”.