The American Alligator Presented By: Catherine Dykes 4th Period Limnolgy
Introduction ¤The American Alligator breeds, lay’s eggs, develops young, and roams freely about the marshy swamps of the Everglades. ¤However, many American alligators are found in swimming pools and wet back yards all across American.
Where they originate from ¤American alligators are remnants of the prehistoric era. When dinosaurs became extinct. These modern dinosaurs have continued to grow and survive into the twenty first century. ¤Spanish explorers in the new world were the first Europeans to see an American alligator. ¤They named it El, Lagarto, or Lizard
¤In 1962, Florida passed a state law that made poaching illegal. This protecting alligators from harm. ¤However poaching still continues today.
¤Female American Alligators mate between April and May. They can usually mate with several different males in between those months. ¤They can lay, anywhere from thirty five to fifty eggs at a time. Nests have been found with as little as one to as much as eighty eight eggs. ¤For sixty-five days the mother guards her nest until the baby’s can protect themselves.
¤These are cold blooded animals. ¤They live both in and out of the water. ¤They feed on dead young. ¤When moving from place to place they carry their young in their mouths. ¤The sex of the young depends on temperature. If it is warm outside it will be male, if cold, Female.
Information CON. American Alligators like to bask in the sun on the shores of swamps and lakes.To keep warm. They also keep themselves cool by leaving their mouths open to keep cool.
Conclusion In conclusion, by doing this project I found out more about my surroundings then ever before. People don’t really consider just how valuable one animal can be to this world. Just remember just because it looks mean does not mean you have to kill it