2 CONTENTS 1.Scope of the cost items 2.Evaluation of the costs for immediate decommissioning and for safe enclosure 3.Collective dose estimation
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”3 TRAINING OBJECTIVES Upon completion of training trainees should be able to: List the factors and activities which impact to the scope of the costs. Describe and compare the different factors and activities impact for immediate and for safe enclosure decommissioning options/strategies. Explain collective dose estimation during safe enclosure and during immediate decommissioning.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”4 COST ITEMS AND COST GROUPS Cost items: Pre-decommissioning actions; Facility shutdown activities; Procurement of general equipment and material; Dismantling activities; Waste processing, storage and disposal; Site security, surveillance and maintenance; Site restoration, cleanup and landscaping; Project management, engineering and site support; Research and development; Fuel and nuclear material; Other costs. Cost groups: Labour costs; Investment costs; Expenses; Contingency.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”5 PRE-DECOMMISSIONING ACTIONS Preliminary studies: The inventory of active materials; The inventory of non-active materials. Cost assessments; Technical concepts: Preliminary planning.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”6 FACILITY SHUTDOWN ACTIVITIES Defueling and transfer of fuel to the spent fuel pool of the units; Removal of various operational wastes; Study of systems which should be kept in operation; Offering of spare parts and equipment that are inactive for sale on the market.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”7 PROCUREMENT OF GENERAL EQUIPMENT AND MATERIAL General site dismantling equipment; General equipment for personnel/tooling; General radiological protection and health physics equipment; and General security and maintenance equipment for long- term storage.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”8 DISMANTLING ACTIVITIES Decontamination of areas and equipment in buildings to facilitate dismantling; Dismantling operations on reactor pressure vessel and internals; Removal of primary and auxiliary systems; Removal of biological/thermal shield; Removal and disposal of asbestos; Building decontamination; Decontamination for recycling and reuse.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”9 WASTE PROCESSING, STORAGE AND DISPOSAL Starting point of decommissioning is when no operational wastes are left in the facility. Radioactive waste generated during operations should be continuously processed. The waste management costs are higher for model 213. Large scale decommissioning activities may require that additional storage or disposal areas for conditioned radioactive waste are available.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”10 SITE SECURITY, SURVEILLANCE AND MAINTENANCE Site security operation and surveillance; Inspection and maintenance of buildings and systems in operation; Site upkeep; Energy and water; Periodic radiation and environmental survey.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”11 SITE RESTORATION, CLEANUP AND LANDSCAPING Activated buildings – decontamination; Demolition of buildings – if required; Using of concrete debris: for backfilling of voids and cavities; may be recycled in the non-nuclear industry.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”12 PROJECT MANAGEMENT, ENGINEERING AND SITE SUPPORT Selection of main contractor: a newly established organisation; an organisation derived from the former operator. Defining of the management of the decommissioning project; Defining of the organisational structure during decommissioning; Distribution of the work between the responsible organisation and the potential subcontractor(s).
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”13 RESEARCH AND DEVELOPMENT 2 opinions concerning the necessity for any research and development activity: there should be no need for any research and development activity; there is a continuous need to make progress in this area. Unit-specific research and development work for WWER- 440 reactors – in the area of activation of the reactor pressure vessel and its biological shield.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”14 FUEL AND NUCLEAR MATERIAL Handling of spent fuel is practically independent from the chosen decommissioning option; A spent fuel pool storage; An interim spent fuel storage: type – a wet or a dry storage unit; capacity.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”15 OTHER COSTS Staff reduction programmes; Re-assignment/-training programmes; Key employee retention/incentive programmes; Various taxes.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”16 COST CATEGORIES Labour costs; Capital, equipment and material costs (investment costs); Expenses; Contingency.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”17 COSTS FOR IMMEDIATE DECOMMISSIONIG Main cost item Name of the main cost item Decommissioning costs in MUSD/1998 ArmeniaGermanySlovak R.FinlandHungarySlovak R. 440/270440/ / Pre-decommissioning actions* Facility shutdown activities Procurement of general equipment Dismantling activities Waste processing, storage and … Site security, surveillance and … Site restoration, cleanup and … n.r Project management Research and development*0.06.2n.r Fuel and nuclear material n.r n.r. 11.Other costs0.2n.a Total:
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”19 EVALUATION OF THE COSTS FOR IMMEDIATE DECOMMISSIONING Post-operational and site operation activities until the end of the project, starting at the unplanned shutdown; Construction and operation of the interim storage, processing of operational waste and waste disposal costs; The costs for defuelling and interim storage of removed fuel in containers; The higher labour costs as compared to other countries in the study.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”20 COSTS FOR SAFE ENCLOSURE Main cost item Name of the main cost item Decommissioning costs in MUSD/1998 ArmeniaBulgariaRussian F.Slovak R.Czech R.FinlandHungaryRussian F.Slovak R.Ukraine 440/270440/ / Pre-decommissioning actions* Facility shutdown activities ** ** Procurement of general equipment n.a n.a Dismantling activities Waste processing, storage and … Site security, surveillance and … ** ** Site restoration, cleanup and … n.r Project management **34.0** ** Research and development*n.a n.r Fuel and nuclear material *** ***0.0n.a. 11.Other costs Total:
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”22 EVALUATION OF THE COSTS FOR SAFE ENCLOSURE Scattering is smaller than for immediate decommissioning; There seems to be remarkable agreement between the costs for a couple of countries.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”23 COLLECTIVE DOSE ESTIMATION Immediate decommissioning: An average value- 19 man Sv; The maximum value- 34 man Sv in case of the model 270 in Armenia. Safe enclosure: The lowest value- 2 man Sv in Finland; The highest value- 21 man Sv in Slovakia.
Project BG/04/B/F/PP , Programme “Leonardo da Vinci”24 REFERENCES Decommissioning Costs of WWER-440 Nuclear Power Plants. Interim report: Data Collection and preliminary Evaluations, IAEA-TECDOC-1322 (2002)