-Rhondale Tso -Dr. Quentin Bailey (Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University) NASA Space Grant Presentation
Basics of General Relativity Einstein Tensor Energy-Momentum Tensor *Curvature is caused by the Energy and Momentum. *Matter changes the properties of spacetime.
*Gravity corresponds to changes in the properties of space and time. *Alters the straightest possible, or shortest, paths that objects naturally follow (including light!!). Light-ray
Incompatible with Quantum Mechanics (so far). Assumes local Lorentz symmetry (locally the lawsof physics obey special relativity). Recent literature points to the possibility that LocalLorentz symmetry might be slightly broken. Standard Model Extension (SME) frameworkdescribes this scenario general using modern"field theory"
meson oscillations (BABAR, BELLE, DELPHI, FOCUS, KTeV, OPAL, …) neutrino oscillations (MiniBooNE, LSND, Minos, Super K,… ) muon tests (Hughes, BNL g-2) Yale, … spin-polarized torsion pendulum tests (Adelberger, Hou, …) U. of Washington tests with resonant cavities (Lipa, Mueller, Peters, Schiller, Wolf, …) Stanford, Institut fur Physik, Univ. West. Aust. clock-comparison tests (Hunter, Walsworth, Wolf, …) Harvard-Smithsonian Penning-trap tests (Dehmelt, Gabrielse, …) U. of Washington Lunar laser ranging (Battat, Stubbs, Chandler) Harvard Atom interferometric gravimeters (Chu, Mueller, …) Stanford cosmological birefringence (Carroll, Jackiw, Mewes, Kostelecky) MIT, IU pulsar timing (Altschul) South Carolina synchrotron radiation (Altschul) South Carolina Cosmic Microwave Background (Mewes, Kostelecky) Marquette U., IU
Standard Model Extension prediction: General Relativity prediction: Introduce “s-bar” coefficients. Due to curvature of spacetime light gets bent around massive objects; *SME prediction can be applied to the Lensing Equation. *S-bar coefficients tell whether Lorentz Violations affects gravity, if the S-bar=0, then no Lorentz Violations.
Light Bending
Application to Light Bending is still underway. Future tests to detect deviations include: Global Astrometric Interferometer for Astrophysics (GAIA), from the ESA. Very Long Baseline Interferometer (VLBI).